APRS, Automatic Position Report System

The mode APRS stands fore
Automatic Position Report System.
And was developed by WB4APR, for tracking and digital two way communication. it works based on a GPS and a APRS compatible transmitter.

 There are a maximum of seven digipeaters on one digi path.
 Settings fore a mobile/portable station.
 Relay on path, is not going to be relayed by a base station. Do not place more than two WIDE in your path. This will cause much traffic on the net.
 Settings fore a intelligent digipeater.
 Enable the digi *,WIDE n-n *, alias *,TRACE n-n *
 alias(es):mycall-2, RELAY,WIDE subalias:mycal-2
 When you enable a digi, the traffic will increase a bit but this will increase the better link.
 *    I have a wide branch of maps fore UI-Vieuw.
       Click two times on picture and save it.

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