
The QRSS beacon reception station with frequency standard locked at
BBC Droitwich 198 kHz or Allouis 162 kHz for the frequency calibration.

The famous Raspberry Pi is used instead of a PC with the
LOPORA QRSS beacon reception program written in Python.

The receiver is the "EXCELLENT 30 METER RECEIVER FOR LOW POWER QRSS BEACONS AND PSK31". A detailed description at the following link:

Excellent 30 meter receiver for low power QRSS beacons and PSK31

For the frequency calibration of the receiver, I do use the solution that can be found at the following link. There is a solution for a frequency standard locked at Droitwich (198 kHz) and one for Allouis (162 kHz):

Frequency calibration of the 30 meter QRSS beacons receivers

The software can be found at the following link. I do use the version. This version is much faster than the previous version and suitable for the famous "Raspberry Pi" micro-computer. Everything about Lopora and about how to use the Raspberry Pi can be found at the following link:

LOPORA QRSS beacon reception program written in Python

And more about QRSS and other radio stuff can be found at: