Thank you for visiting this official amateur radio webpage in Slovakia. Our radioclub exists from 1950 as OM3KAP. There are no place to remind all history of that station, but new period was dated from 1989, when we moved to our new QTH near Partizanske, Western Slovakia.

     We started building Low Bands antennas and SETUPs. The first antenna in our cottage was 25m vertical for 80 and 160. It was great to compete on CQ 160M and be on TOP SIX in EU. We continued with 20m tower with 3ele monobanders on 20,15,10m. Then Paul, OM5RM has got the great idea to erect Bobtail Curtains to 4 directions (USA,JA,SA,VK). It works perfectly until today. We took part in some CQ WW 80m SOSB and we always placed on TOP SIX in EU. We started serious contesting in MULTI SINGLE CATEGORY in 1999. From that time we built a lot of antennas and systems to improve our M/S station. Complete description of antennas is here.

    We are active in every CQ WW DX, CQ WPX DX, ARRL DX as much as possible. In spite of the fact that we have not a lot of space for living condition during the contest we used one running station with three multiplier station in CQ contests. By using pass bands filters by DUNESTAR we reduced local interference to a minimum level. This year we are planning to erect 35m tower with 4el. HB9CV on 40m. Our mechanical constructers & designers are ready for this hard task. We will hope to arrange it without any troubles.


    We would like to greet some M/S gangs especially in EU:               TM5C,IQ4A,IU2X,SK3W,OH7M,OK5W,TM2Y,EA6IB,LZ9A,OL7R,EI7M and others ...


CU in next contests...


Lubo, OM5ZW


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