Ye Olde Basic Shoppe

This site contains some simple math and science programs written in Liberty Basic. The programs are rewrites of the original Apple Basic programs listed in the out-of-print book “Science and Engineering Programs AppleII Edition,” 1981, by John Heilborn.  Each program was laboriously typed in and translated to Liberty Basic by hand.  Then, believe it or not, they were tested! No animals were harmed during the creation of this site (there were thoughts of kicking things though).  All in all, it was just fun and relaxing to be working with such a simple language.  It is a breeze to translate these programs to a PDA.  I hope you find some use for them.

Remember the Commodore 64 and the VIC 20?  They had a great little built-in language -- a variant of the Basic Programming language.  Even the original PC had Basic built into ROM.  It was a nice simple language that you could just do things with!  No, you couldn’t code the next great bloated application that the C++ boys tend to spit out on multiple CDs, but you could quickly do a repetitive calculation or a quick and dirty database in minutes.

Well, that type of Basic is still around, and IMHO it is still quite useful, be it for a radio amateurs, engineers, or small businesses that need some very low cost custom apps. Forget that consultant, you can learn the fundamentals of one of these Basic language variants in a few hours:




Liberty Basic

Win16/Win32, OS/2



DOS, PalmOS, Win32, Linux

Freeware (GPL2)

HotPaw Basic



Liberty Basic is very robust in terms of graphics capabilities, and is reasonably priced with some good 3rd party support (most programs listed on this site are old Apple basic programs rewritten in Liberty Basic 2 using the console mode -- they can easily be run on the unregistered shareware version).

 Smallbasic is cross platform, math friendly (undestands MAT), and free -- which makes it very attractive. PDA’s are less than $100 these days, and with Smallbasic you can write your code on a desktop and take it with you -- much more convenient than even a laptop! Translation of these programs to Smallbasic is simple.

Hotpaw is a must have if you’re working with a Palm PDA and using databases like Handbase or Jfile -- it’s the macro language of the Palm world, but unfortunately it has no desktop cousin. For additional details on these Basics and others, go here

Simple Liberty Basic 2 math and engineering programs can be accessed by clicking the subject area to the left or using the contents page. Please send any updates or translations you make to [email protected].  

Try the GUI interpolation routine (improved plotting -- this version includes 3 programs -- plotting, interpolation, and regression)  wrapped with run time modules.  Download and  just click the program to run it... no basic program needed, but it also includes the source files.  Source only can be found here (Liberty Basic 3 code).

The initial programs placed on this site are slightly modified versions from an out of print publication by Osborne/McGraw-Hill, entitled “Science and Engineering Programs AppleII Edition,” 1981, by John Heilborn.  The programs were written by Richard Bennington, Marcial Blondet, Kenneth Douglass, Professor William Harlow, and Juan Carlos Simo. The programs were tested by Cynthia Greever. It was a cool book!