Nth Order Regression

This program will attempt to fit data to a curve having the form, Y=C+C1*X+C2*X^2+...+Cn*X^n.


Basic program (liberty basic) - nthreg.bas


Test case:

Nth Order Regression
will fit data to a curve

degree of equation? 2
number of points to input? 6

x(1)=  20
y(1)=  54

x(2)=  30
y(2)=  90

x(3)=  40
y(3)=  138

x(4)=  50
y(4)=  206

x(5)=  60
y(5)=  292

x(6)=  70
y(6)=  396

constant= 41.7714286
degree 1 coefficient= -1.09571429
degree 2 coefficient= 0.87857143e-1

coeff of determination (r^2)= 0.99992796
coeff of correlation= 0.99996398
standard error estimate= 1.42093195

Interpolation (enter x=q to end program) x= 55
y= 247.275

Interpolation (enter x=q to end program) x= q