Order Form

On Line Frequency Order Form

Form #11928492

Please complete some fields


(Person Ordering) First Name: Last Name:

Your Email:

How would you like to pay?
Gold Bullion
First Born
First Wife (enclose picture)
Second Wife(same as above)
Last Wife(sheesh!)
Cash (we really prefer cash)

Ship to Address(No PO Boxes! we cannot ship a frequency to a PO BOX!)
Ship to:
Ship to:

Bill to address (usually different than above)
Bill to:
Bill to:

How would you like this order to ship?

Pony Express(standard) Slow Boat to China Overnight (we wont say "which night") ooPs! (maybe we'll lost it)

What frequency would you like to order today?

If the frequency you desire is not listed above you may be eligible for use under the "Cable TV Leakage Act 1982) Basically what this entails it that your transmitter is connected to a Cable and is allowed to "Leak" it's signal. Under this leakage act, actual range may vary depending on terrain. But is usually as very good in many cases as good as any normal station.

What type Rig(s) will you use?(Select all that still work)
Old Tube Type Home Made Archer Space Patrol
Export Radio w/Roger Beep Unknown at this time

Please select your Buying Group:
IARN ARRL LOCAL CLUB FCC Frequent Buyer Club AAA Food Lion MVP Club

Special Instructions: Please enter your "Sealed Bid"

Before you Submit Please read the Rules:

If you are selected to receive your requested frequency you don't have to follow these rules. They are merely here to indicate that there are rules. Any good lawyer can usually find a loophole so we decided to save the money (that we don't have anyway) and say that these are the rules and are to be abided by hereby and soforth and so on. No changes may be made to these rules unless these rules are changed by other rules. In this case these rules are no longer the rules and rulings should follow the subsequent rules.

Thank you for your order!

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your order please, don't bother to call us. Like most companies we will just put you on hold or into voice mail, you know.. "Phone Limbo". So just dont' call! But, you can Email Us.

Take me back to the Home Page cause I can't find the Back Button on my Browser!

Copyright 2000 N1GMV - Yeah... Right!  
