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My Shack and Things......
Here is a picture of my radio shack and the monitor of the computer I am designing this site on.
The computer is an AMD K6/2 500 with 64 meg of ram and a 4.3 gig hard drive.nothing special by todays standards but it was built by me.
I get a lot of pleasure from this machine both on the inetrnet and using it for SSTV PSK etc. The tuner is a Vectronics VC300DLP and is very good.
Hopefully in the following pages you might find something of interest as you have stayed with me this far you may aswell carry on hihi.
The following pages will contain links to various sites mainly radio related but with a sprinkling of other types of communication.
I am registered with ICQ using ver 2000b and my number is 23971452 try giving me a call.
My email adress is [email protected] if you wish to try to arrange a sked one evening or if you have any comments about this site.
But please bare in mind that this site will be continuously under construction.