How do I become a ham ?


Testing for Amateur Radio Licenses is administered on the second Saturday of each month at the Radcliff Fire Station #1, 604 S. Wilson Road, Radcliff, KY.

Registration begins at 9:30 AM and testing starts at 10:00 AM. No appointments are necessary. For licensed amateurs, talk-in will be available on 146.980MHz VHF repeater.

You will need two (2) forms of identification (one must be a picture ID) and $15.00 for the test fee (please no checks). If possible bring exact change.

If you are a licensed amateur bring the original of your license (you keep) and a copy to turn in to the examiners.

If you have passed elements but not upgraded your license bring original CSCE (you keep) and a copy to turn in to the examiner.

For more information on testing contact: Archie Mack, AF4EB at [email protected]

The entire question pool and graphics for each license test may be found on the ARRL web site at  along with practice tests.