Station Profiles
Club By-laws
10 Meter Net
Program Info.

Web Changes
Welcome to our new web page! We have been working hard to make the club and web page better than ever!!!

David Herring KC5VKB featured in 73 Amateur Radio Today
Be sure to pick up a copy of the January / February issue of 73 Magazine to read about the Half-Ironman Triathalon at Buffallo Springs Lake. The LACC provided all communications for this event every June. Be sure to pick up a copy!

Carl Petmecky KC5KQF named 1999 Ham of the Year!
Congratulations to Carl for being named Ham of the Year! His tireless efforts to improve Amateur radio on the South Plains have been appreciated by everyone. Thanks Carl for a great year!!!

Code Classes up and running!
Code classes are up and running again this year, thanks to the efforts of Koy Carson K5KOY. You can hear the classes on any of hub link repeaters. Tune in Friday nights around 7:30 to learn the code or help build your speed.

LACC Hosts Millennium Net
December 20th the LACC helped Randy, KC5HNH with the Hub Link 2 meter net by joining packet and ATV with the net. We ran the net at Rick KB5KYJ's house, and broadcasted Randy running the net on cable channel 60. There was also a packet net running simultaneously with the net.

LACC Newsletter - January 2000
We here with the LACC hope that you had a great holiday season in 1999 and are looking forward to the new year. We had a lot of happenings in Ham Radio with the dawn of the new millennium. I think that the readiness of hams in Lubbock on the New Year was a great accomplishment and shows that when help is needed in the future, we c an be there. A big round of thanks to all that helped see this happen.
    So, now that that is out of the way, lets get on with the New year!...

In Club News
    At our January club meeting, we had a lot to get done! First, we had a presentation from Fred Marble who is the ARRL section manager for this area. He presented the LACC with the Certificate of Affiliation into the ARRl. He said that he looked forward to working with us and felt that we would make a good addition to the ARRL. Thank you Fred for all of your kind words and help. We really appreciate everything that you do.
    Next, we had a presentation to announce the 1999 LACC "Ham of the Year"! For all of his tireless effort and constant work that he had put into making Ham Radio a better and more fun hobby for everyone. The LACC is extremely proud to have presented the award to Carl Petmecky - KC5KQF. Carl, we truly appreciate all that you do for us every year! Congratulations!
    During the January meeting, we also held club elections for the year 2000. The new officers are as follows:
        President - David Herring - KC5KVKB
        Property Officer - Sloan Butler - KC5YPY
        Secretary - Eric Howard - KC5RWK (re-elected)
        Treasurer - Josh Herring - KC5VKA (re-elected)
        Public Relations - Koy Carson - K5KOY (re-elected)
Wish us all luck in the New year to keep the club going strong!

One last order of business. We have decided that it is time for us to show more people what ham radio is all about.
Therefore, I am putting out a challengs, if you will, to all who read this newsleter. It is not a monditory thing, but more of a piece of food for thought. My challenge is this: find someone who is a little intrested in the hobby. Show them how much fun and rewardingamateur radio can be. Bring them with you to next months club meeting and to other amateur radio events. I promise you that you will have a lot of fun doing this, plus the club population will grow. You know what they say: "the more the merrier!" See you at the meeting!
Eric Howard - KC5RWK
                    Secretary - LACC


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