Notes on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Unfortunately, Dr. goose has been very busy lately and the JFK Assassination presentation is still under construction (a seemingly endless thing. Every time I think it's almost finished....). Check back because it is underway......(Let's just say that the presentation in PowerPoint form is around 90 slides and isn't finished yet -- and there's a lot of bibliographical information to check out and document). Unfortunately as of September 9th 1998, it's still under major construction. Pretty much in the same place it was when the above was first written actually. I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to review any of my notes, any of my slides and to be totally honest, some of the knowledge gained in past expeditions will need to be re-visited and compiled. But keep the faith. It'll end up here sooner or later, and if you partake of the "reading list", you'll be occupied for a while!!
(check out the links at the bottom of the page.....interesting stuff!!!!)

If you want a place to start --
That'll get you started and if you don't have a thousand or more questions after reading all that material you really didn't read it.

While perusing the net one day I came across this link to JFK Assassination's a veritable gold mine. Check it out -- you won't regret the time spent if you're really into the Conspiracy thing......Go down the page and check out the link to "Coup D'etat in America" (click on a picture and go from there. AND this is only one example!!!!). Most of the links lead to very interesting stuff!!!!!

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*** Last updated: 09 Sept. 1997 ***
This page will be under construction for a wee bit longer. Be sure to come back and check out the new stuff.

Copyright © 1997 Dr. R. goose Gosswiller all rights reserved