My amateur radio interests

One of my most favorite operating areas, is satellites. I plan to get setup for U,V,L and S band operation in SSB, FM and digital modes. I read with inerest ao-40 is now downlinking on 24Ghz. Eventually, I would like to experiment in that band.

EME (moonbounce)
It amazes me how a signal can be refelected off the moon with and be heard back here on earth. I would love to really get into this area, but I live on a relatively small lot. The price I pay for living on a lake. So I don't have much space for a large 2 meter array or parabolic. I have seen a couple of articles on 12 foot portable dish antennas that can be disassembled. I figure I can set up a dish for a few hours without annoying the neighbors. I have two other problems: My neighbors are close, so there is an rf safety issue and I'm surrounded by trees.

I'd pretty much given the idea until I read on Bob Larkin's DSP10 webpage where he had made contacts using a new PUA43 digital mode. The contacts were made with very low power and small antennas. I intend to try my luck using this mode.

Meteor scatter
Another weak signal mode I'd like to play around with. Here signals bounce off small meteor particles heading through the atmosphere. This doesn't require huge antenna arrays and only moderate power. Here again there is a new digital mode FSK441 that looks to be catching on.

I'm an avid homebrewer. I enjoy designing and contructing equipment. I intend to construct a large portion of my equipment. Beyond getting my basic equipment setup, I would like to work in the 10 and 24Ghz areas as well. Other areas include digital voice, ATV including FMTV. Spread spectrum and other highspeed digital also look interesting.

This goes along with homebrew. I use Linux on a daily basis for my work. Being familar, I have begun to write a pile of ham radio software tools I find useful. As time permits I will get them cleaned up and packaged for posting on download page.