Stuff in the Shack - click for pictures

Homebrew Stuff

Hamfest Specials - Deals so good, I couldn't pass 'em up, but maybe I should've...

Appliances (MPR Equipment)

Since this stuff is all off-the shelf, no pictures are necessary, right?

You should note, however, that I have re-adjusted most of the radios (except the HTX-245) because of mikes that were "too hot", or "too cold". Apparently, nobody makes a radio set that's "just right" for me out of the box from the factory.

MPR? What's that? It's Mass-Produced Retail electronics, as opposed to stuff that somebody put together by their own self. That is, if you like how somebody else's sounds, you can go down to your local radio supermarket and buy one and sound just like them, rather than trying to figure out what the appropriate bias is on an MPF102 for a 10dB gain class AB amplifier at 10.7 Mc.