Keyer that I built based on the schematics from RASON's website.

Method is ugly on perfboard - Holy Dead Bugs, Batman!

Keyer Front

Note the Whiterook MK-44 on top. (I didn't build that, but it doesn't quite count as an appliance.)

Keyer Back

Binding posts on the Left for keying transmitter, A-N switch on right, so I can run the critter. Clutter in left foreground is a phase shift CPO (about 4 capacitors, 4 resistors, 2 transistors, and a speaker) on a breadboard, for testing.

Keyer Guts

Under the hood. I can't tell how I managed to forget to connect a wire.

So, from now on, I think I'll be making neat perfboard circuits with bus wire and mounting almost all of the components through the holes. Well, mostly.