Matthew Payne
Bargersville, Indiana

2m / 70cm Ops
HF Ops
Packet / APRS
Essays and Writings

A Proud Supporter of No Code International.  Flame Suit On

Visit me on Facebook!

HamSexy!  It's ham-tacular!

Ham Nation, a TV Show dedicated to Ham Radio, from TWiT


I've listed some links below. I've tried to group them together by category, but I've more than likely failed miserably.

Education, Training

Ham Test Online
This is the page I used to study for my extra class license exam! It really works, and you can study anywhere with internet access!

QRZ's Practice Amateur Radio Exams
A relative newcomer to the practice exam fold,'s practice exam page has a very nice interface, and works well. The addition of a version with larger print is a nice touch, and when used with full-screen mode in Internet Explorer or Firefox, produces a really nice result.

AA9PW Amateur Exam practice pages
Simon is the standard-bearer for online practice exams, IMHO. His site has featured practice exams since at least 1999.

Code Quick
A really unique system for learning the Morse Code, developed by Dr. Jerry Wheeler W6TJP in 1980. Code Quick is a great way to learn Morse Code the way it was meant to be learned- by sound- instead of needlessly difficult memorization of "dots" and "dashes". This is what I used to pass the 5 WPM test back in 2000, and I still remember what I've learned!

Clubs, Associations, and Gangs

The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club
My local club. I'm a former repeater trustee, and the club webmaster.

The 511 Repeater Association
A great local repeater group, run by great folks.

Indiana ARRL
The local chapter of the ARRL.

47 CFR 97.622 clearly states "Any amateur who does not pay homage to the ARRL on their website shall be ground into dust".

Absolutely hilarious. Also shockingly accurate.

Ham radio with an attitude!

KA9VNV's very questionable page. A valuable APRS resource.

XASTIR is an APRS client for Linux.

Scanning and Scanners

The SCAN-L mailing list
Started by Peter Laws back in the wee days of the Interweb, SCAN-L was at one time the definitive resource for scanning enthusiasts, and was a hidden group, accessible by word-of-mouth ONLY. Now, most of the SCAN-L subscription information on the net is bad, often still redirecting users to the same [email protected] address, which stopped working eons ago. This is the correct way to join the SCAN-L mailing list. Now you can be part of the tradition. The email archives- spanning back to 1995- make this an irreplaceable resource.

IndyScan defunct
From the mid 1990's until 2004 there was only one real source for Indiana scanner frequencies and information, and that was Coordinated by Andy Everhart N9WCN, IndyScan had the most comprehensive listing of frequencies and resources on the internet. There were other lists out there, but none were as complete (or updated as often) as Andy's site. Andy closed IndyScan down in 2004 to pursue other interests, passing the reigns to Radio Reference. But there are still some things that just didn't make it, and for that reason, I find myself referring back to to this awesome resource with increasing frequency, in my neverending search for this, that, or the other. It of course is no longer being updated, but thanks to The Wayback Machine at, You can see IndyScan as it appeared at it's last update, before the plug was pulled in October of 2004. And if you visit Andy's site today, he has an awesome blog, which deserves a look!

ScanIndiana Mailing List
I started ScanIndiana back in 1999. We were the original Indiana Scanning List. Not as active as it used to be, but I'm happy it's still being used!

Freq Of Nature
Though meant mostly for California dwellers, Tracy's excellent "Freq Of Nature" has a real treasure trove of information, including recordings that you won't hear anywhere else. Whether its the infamous North Hollywood shootout or United Flight 93, some of the audio is breathtaking. He's got some awesome photos and photo documentaries too. Warning! You'll spend far more time on this website than you think! Keep an eye on your watch!

Radio Reference
This is the penultimate radio scanning site. A worldwide frequency database, live audio recordings coordinated throughout the globe, an extremely active forum and a rapidly developing wiki make Radio Reference the single source for all hobbyists, regardless of their location or experience. It's a truly epic resource, and one that couldn't exist without the hard work of site founder Lindsay Blanton, along with the countless volunteers and contributors.

Guilty by association

Dave Norris, KG9AE
Computer guru, amateur radio operator, and former ninja warrior.

Dennis Boyle, KB9RRN
Wonder where he went?