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In here, you'll find links pertaining to amateur radio, as well as some of my hobbies.  Enjoy!

blueice_bullet.gif (1KB)  www.arrl.org - The Amateur Radio Relay League website

blueice_bullet.gif  www.yaesu.com/yaesu.html - Yaesu homepage

blueice_bullet.gif  www.icomradio.com - Icom homepage

blueice_bullet.gif  www.qth.net - Good amateur radio listserver

blueice_bullet.gif  www.qsl.net - The site that hosts this homepage and others.  Get yours!

blueice_bullet.gif  www.iaru.org - The International Amateur Radio Union website

blueice_bullet.gif  www.towerhobbies.com - Tower Hobbies homepage - great Web Directory!

blueice_bullet.gif  www.the12volt.com - Site dedicated to automotive electronics


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