SP-600-JX Receivers

SP-600 Receiver
A pair of Hammerlund SP-600 receivers. The SP-600 covers .540 to 54 mhz, AM or CW. As a young lad, I had access to a SP-600 at a local university. Attached to a dipole up about 50 feet, the receiver always seemed "hot", picking up signals the receivers at home could never hear. That SP-600 captured my imagination, and I was fortunate enough to purchase the very same receiver years later. I picked up the other SP-600 at a hamfest, back when you could buy gear like this for about 50 bucks.

Both of the receivers pictured here are of the "JX" variety, allowing up to 10 xyal controlled frequencies. Have yet to crystal a single channel in either receiver. Maybe one day....


URA-28 SSB Exciter.
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