Welcome All

Got my ticket in 1996 as KF6DJU. As an avid CB'er, wanted to sneak in and get my ham license before my dad, currently K5VSP. A couple of months after receiving my Tech license, I sent all my study books to my dad. He was then licensed as KC5VSP. It turned out he was in a bigger hurry than me. He studied his code and became a General before I knew what was going on!

I am career Navy, with 19 years in and currently stationed aboard the USS Dubuque (LPD-8). My duty stations have been, the USS MIDWAY, USS O'Brien, USS McKee, and the USS Peleliu, with a couple of shore duty stations in between.

I reside in Imperial Beach California, San Diego County, and have one daughter, Elisabeth, who by the way has no interest in Ham radio. She's 14.

Anyway, to make a long story longer, I was doing a lot of sea time for the Navy after I got my ticket, and not much interested in learning that code.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, ran into some great Ham's down here that heard dad on the air. So I bought my first vertical antenna and hooked it up to my Icom 706 MKII-G. which dad had gave me some time before thinking I might get some inspiration about the code. So I got er tuned up, and by golly there he was, my dad on the air running a net. Of course I couldn't talk to him. But within a month after hearing him on the air, I worked through the code and got my General ticket.

We are both extra class hams now and talk daily on the air, and strangely enough, we both enjoy the code.

Never in my life have I run into a better group of people than the folks in Amateur radio. I plan on retiring from the Navy in a few years and heading back to Arkansas.

73's and remember, "life is way to short for QRP"

Hope to hear you on the air