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KB4GCZ Florida Keys ARC

W4LLO Key West ARC

Callsign Lookups from various sources

Home page I did for my NJ Radio Club.

Home page I helped do for the NNJ Section.

A Spreadsheet I did showing various info on RV Nets.  Requires Excel 97; allows sorting by Net, Date, Time, Frequency. (you must enable macros to sort)

Ham Radio Websites

More Ham Radio Bookmarks.


A GPS for APRS is great, but without software to up/download waypoints, routes, and tracks to/from your PC, it isn't easy or much fun to maintain your data. See the Waypoint+ home page for FREE software developed by KH2Z for Windows95/NT PCs that makes this easy. The software includes many other features, such as graphically plotting your waypoints, routes, and tracks within the program, plotting using Street Atlas 3.0 or 4.0, etc. The page includes screenshots and descriptions of options.