The club helped sponsor Skywarn Appreciation Day this year on Saturday, December 1, at the National Weather Service Office in Jackson.  Morris Caudill and John Farler scouted out the site for antenna setup and operating positions before the day of the Special Events operation.  On Saturday, the G5RV antenna was quickly put up on the existing tower and connected to an existing feedline which ran into the Amateur Radio operating position already at the station for regular Skywarn use.

The operation took place on Saturday, and four of the National Weather Staff participated in Hf operations,which was new to them and contacted hams in 29 states and Canada, mostly on 20 meters.  The station could be worked for the River Flooding award, in addition to the regular certificate.

Show in the photo are KG4KJS - Jim Keeney  KG4KJT (standing, left),Merl Heinlein, KG4KJT (seated, left), and Bob Burton (seated, right).  OPERATORS were NWS STAFF - 
KF4NIH - Shawn Harley;
KG4MTG - Jon Pelton;
KG4KJS - Jim Keeney;
and  KG4KJT - Merl Heinlein.  Operators from KMARC included K4TDO - Tim Osborne, club president;
KE4AER- Bob Burton;
and K4AVX - John Farler.

A few contacts were made on 2 Meter FM, but the majority of the contacts were made on a Ten Tec Scout, 50 Watts to G5RV antenna, mostly on 20 meter SSB, which was the most open band.   181 contacts were made during the afternoon, including contacts with 11 other National Weather Service Offices across the country, stations in  29 different states and Canada.

The special QSL card.

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