Here are some pictures of the operating position.
The rig is an old FT-902DM with external VFO, Tuner, Speaker and VHF transverter (not shown here).  At the top left is a Dentron Antenna tuner and at the top right is the Dentron Clipperton L Amplifier (with four 572B tubes). Main operating position
This picture shows the antenna tuners that I use for the horizontal vee antenna.  The top is a 160 M "L" network, bottom right is the 80 M "T" network and bottom left is a "T" network for 30 M.  All parts scrounged at hamfests. The vee is 240 feet long each leg and 60 feet high, fed with ladder line. Tuners
The Mess Corner.  See the old  FT-101B on its side.  The regency HR2B (still very much in use), the Heath HW 2036, the packratt and Commodore 64 computer.  The 6 meter antenna tuner and the Yaesu transverter for 6 M, 2 M and 70 Cm. What a Mess!