IN3LBQ on the Hühnerspiel (Amthorspitze) - photo by IN3OTD

Hermes-Lite SDR - TX output measurements

TX output spectrum

As for every amplifier, the Hermes-Lite TX output has also some harmonic components, besides the fundamental but, since the output signal is generated numerically, additional spurious components are present. In general they behave like beat products between the TX DAC sampling frequency and the fundamental, moving up and down the spectrum with the fundamental frequency more or less depending on their order.
While the clock input to the AD9866 has, in this version, a frequency of 73.728 MHz the TX DAC is internally upsampling the signal and using a doubled clock so the aliases involves mainly the 73.728 * 2 = 147.456 MHz frequency.

The following pictures shows the measured output spectrum as a function of the TX frequency programmed in the Hermes-Lite. The X axis is the TX frequency and the Y axis is the corresponding spectrum measured by the spectrum analyzer.
The carrier output power was about 10 dBm and the noise floor of the spectrum analyzer was at around -70 dBm.

Here is the output from the IAMP_N after the matching transformer, without any filtering:

Hermes-Lite IOUTN output without filtering

Here is the same spectrum but with 33 pF added in parallel to the TxDAC output (which drives the IAMP):

Hermes-Lite IOUTN output without filtering and 33 pF on TxDAC

The capacitor value was chose experimentally to have less than 0.5 dB drop in the fundamental output power at 30 MHz.

To better appreciate the effect of the additional filtering on the TxDAC, here is the difference between the spectra without and with the 33 pF capacitor on the TxDAC output:

Hermes-Lite IOUTN output difference with and without 33 pF on TxDAC

As expected, the effect of the added capacitor is greater at higher frequencies but for some reason is affecting more the aliases around the TX DAC frequency than the fundamental harmonics around the same frequency range and there are also some components slightly which have slightly increased.

TX harmonics and spurs vs output power

Here are some graphs showing how some of the TX output spurs and images amplitude changes when the fundamental output amplitude is changed.

ftx=29.0 MHz, fs=73.728 MHz, FPGA FW version 20151018/CVA9/, half-duplex.

The output power can be changed in two ways:

Varying the TX DAC drive

Output amplitude was changed using the "spot level" control routine in Quisk.

Original data file can be downloaded here.

Hermes-Lite harmonics vs Pout Hermes-Lite images around fs vs Pout Hermes-Lite images and spurs below 2fs vs Pout Hermes-Lite images and spurs above 2fs vs Pout

Varying the TX chain gain

Changing the TX drive level, which changes the TX chain (TxDAC+IAMP) gain, see the AD9866 datasheet for details on how the gain control is distributed along the chain.

Original data file can be downloaded here.

Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite

The following graphs show the same data as above but with output levels in dBc, i.e. relative to the fundamental output power. Note that the products levels in dBc in general decrease with increasing TxDAC gain (and increase when increasing the IAMP gain ,as expected).

Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite Hermes-Lite

TX power control

The Hermes-Lite output power can be controlled by changing the TxDAC and IAMP gains. The AD9866 can automatically select the stages gain over an overall range of 19.5 dB by using the TXPGA control, as described in the datasheet.

The current FW does not use the TXPGA since it seemed to work incorrectly in the past.
Out of curiosity I have slightly modified it to re-enable the output power control via the TXPGA and it now seems to work fine.

Hermes-Lite TX output power control comparison The TX power control method used seems to have little influence on the output spurs, in particular to the most problematic, occurring at 22.981 MHz when transmitting at 24.895 MHz (ftx) and using a system clock of 73.728 MHz (fs). Hermes-Lite TX output power control comparison

Here are the complete data files with the measured levels for the fundamental and spurs/products for the various power levels:

files content is described in more details in the files headers.

TxDAC output spurs vs. output DC bias be added...

TX output spectrum with traps on the TxDAC output

It has been observed that the AD9866 output at the main amplifier (IAMP) is much less clean than from the driver stage (TxDAC) alone. Apparently not all the spurs at the IAMP output are generated by this last stage but some are also due to the loading effect on the TxDAC when this is connected to the IAMP input.
As previously seen, loading the TxDAC output can in some cases produce a cleaner spectrum at the IAMP output.

It has also been reported on the Hermes-Lite mailing list that a series trap placed across the TxDAC differential output could reduce the spur occurring at 22.981 MHz when transmitting at 24.895 MHz significantly, so I did some further measurements with traps.

The graph below show the 22.981 MHz spur level when placing different series-tuned traps across the TxDAC (IOUTP+/-) output. Note that for these measurements the TX output level was not at maximum, but set to obtain 10 dBm output (i.e. the Quisk spot level was 665).

Hermes-Lite IOUTN output with series trap on the TxDAC output

Several kind of traps were tried, but in general it was seen that the spur level decreased when the amplitude of the first TX image at 122.561 MHz was minimized. Interestingly, adding a second trap to reduce the TX image above the DAC sampling frequency, at 172.351 MHz had little effect.
Also, decreasing the first image below a certain level showed only a little improvement on the spur level; likely there are other effects coming into play.
Note also that the spur reduction was lower at higher output levels (13 dBm, Quisk spot level 1000).

The data files used to generate the above graph, including also all the other relevant products/spurs levels can be downloaded here; as usual, the files content is described in more details in the files headers.

TX output spectrum with resistive loading on the TxDAC output

Since after all the previous experiments it was clear that some of the distortion seen at the IAMP output was actually due to some non-linear loading effect on its driver (the TxDAC), I tried to load the TxDAC output in an attempt to swamp out the non-linear load presented to it.
The differential input impedance of the IAMP was previously determined to be about 33 ohm, when set for the maximum gain, so I placed a resistor with this value across the IOUTP+/- pins, effectively reducing the input swing to the IAMP in half. To recover this gain loss I removed the back-termination resistor at the IAMP output, effectively doubling its load and recovering the full swing.

The graph below show the 22.981 MHz spur level (TX frequency at 24.985 MHz) for different configurations: