Welcome to My Guestbook

En dehors des indications techniques mises à jour, très nette amélioration du Site .. plus agréable.....j'aimerai maintenant "ressentir" la fraternité de tous les membres !...ptre qu'il pourrait y avoir un "salon de dialogues" à default d un salon de café !! ptre pr prolonger la radio du matin !!! et pourquoi pas !! je repasserai volontiers par là me balader 73 et 88 à tous(particulièrement à GINO et GIO) qui ont tellement bien travaillés Pat
Patricia Rodrigues <[email protected]>
Plaisir, France - Monday, April 05, 2004 at 17:20:09 (EDT)
Hi Gino! A very good website, congratulations! 73, de George G0 FSX.
GEORGE G0 FSX. <[email protected]>
TONBRIDGE, KENT U.K. - Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 16:41:32 (EST)
Excellent website !!!!!! 73 de HB9GCE
Andrea <[email protected]>
Fribourg, FR Switzerland - Friday, March 26, 2004 at 01:51:11 (EST)
Thanks for this superbe homepage. Interesting. Nice Qso in the morning. Carry on. 73's.
Olaf Wetter <[email protected]>
Chatonnaye, FR CH - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 at 11:03:33 (EST)
Congrats for the very nice website, i listen often on 80 m so 73 from ON5CGZ
Ludo Minne <[email protected]>
Kessel, Belgium - Friday, March 19, 2004 at 01:20:55 (EST)
Listened several times to euro-net,but most of times it was disturbed by a commercial station
oe3bmb/herbert <[email protected]>
Pöchlarn, NÖ Austria - Friday, March 19, 2004 at 01:09:36 (EST)
Hello Gino! You have done very nice and good work improving all the time your HAM site! My congratulations! Lets see if I can also take part to Euro OSO during this spring time,after a long period without taking part of. Best 73 de Aatos OH8JEP
Ylivieska, Finland - Monday, March 15, 2004 at 06:46:00 (EST)
     Caro Sig.G I N O,
      Voglio ringraziarvi per l'oportunita offerto di  scriver
       il mio nome e il nominativo in "LIBRO D'oro".Spero di
       rincontrarvi probabilmente in banda di 80m.per confer-
       ma con mia voce.Vi auguro per Lei e famiglia tante bel
       belle cose.Il vostro,
                                        Draguleanu Niculae(Nelu)
                                                  Y O 3 C Z
                                        Draguleanu Niculae <[email protected]>
Bucuresti, R O M A N I A - Monday, March 15, 2004 at 04:14:03 (EST)
Carissimo GINO, Vorrei ancora ringraziarti di tutto cuore per questo magnifico sito! L'Euro-QSO vive anche attraverso l'Internet!!! E' veramente un'avventura fantastica. Auguro lunga vita all'Euro-QSO e al suo sito! Tanti cari 73 e buona fortuna. CIAO! Giovanni, HB9HFL.
Giovanni Converso, HB9HFL <[email protected]>
Posieux, Fribourg Switzerland - Friday, March 12, 2004 at 12:42:56 (EST)
Votre site est tres educatin et renseignant, bravo. et 73zz a tous
Michel Dumais <[email protected]>
Neufchatel, Q.C. Canada - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 at 10:26:37 (EST)
Vedo che al mattino vi alzate molto presto forse un giorno se mi sveglio vengo a salutarvi ! 73s' maico
HB9OAE <[email protected]>
Lugano, TI Svizzera - Monday, February 16, 2004 at 11:15:48 (EST)
Bravissimo! c est cool ce que vous faites! je trouve ça geniale que des gens puisse se rencontrer en faisant de la radio. Et il y quand meme un but derrière. Vous etes pres a soutenir qqun s'il en a besoins! Barvo! Bonne année a tous! Bravo Tonton GIO!!!!
Tato <[email protected]>
Begnins !, USA - Wednesday, January 07, 2004 at 08:33:42 (EST)
73's Giovanni, merci pour tes voeux que je renouvelle dans ta direction. J'espère bien arriver à remmetre d'aplomb ma station cette année l'année écoulée a été une totale misère du point de vue radio ! A bientôt peut être au prochain stamm de la section FR
Ernest Streit - HB9AQN <[email protected]>
Avenches, USA - Saturday, January 03, 2004 at 13:49:28 (EST)
Very good website. My best regards, 73 and good DX for someone.
Carmine <[email protected]>
Napoli, Italy ITALY - Friday, January 02, 2004 at 18:09:46 (EST)
Very nice pictures and nice page. All the best from Berti de HB9SLO
Berti <[email protected]>
Payerne, VD Switzerland - Monday, December 22, 2003 at 14:55:06 (EST)
Good Luck with this Website
George Barker-Read <[email protected]>
TONBRIDGE, Kent U.K. - Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 18:28:58 (EST)
All the very best an see yu very soon on EURO QSO. 73 de Samir T94KW
Samir <[email protected]>
Zenica, BiH - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 03:44:48 (EST)
Felicitazioni et complimenti
Marconi Sandro LX2MP <[email protected]>
Wasserbillig, LUX EU - Monday, November 10, 2003 at 18:11:59 (EST)
Dear Gio & Gino, I discovered this wonderful radio amateur hobby through this interesting website. I had a tiny experience in South Africa with RADIO 702, which is a broadcasting station. I hope to be able to speak to you through QSO... Wish you well and best of luck. Big Kiss + a big Hug. Joëlle.
Joelle <[email protected]>
Belfaux, FR SWITZERLAND - Monday, November 03, 2003 at 17:47:48 (EST)
many thanks yous giovanni hb9hfl and gino hb9sin together with all the other members of the now famous euro.net who like me get up at the unearthly hour of 3.30 utc on mondays and fridays to say hello and exchange reports ect.. many 73 peter g3ore
peterburson(g3ore) <[email protected]>
uk - Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 02:21:41 (EDT)
Excellent website!Thank you GIOVANNI (HB9HFL)for all the help you gave me on our mutual hobby! (on VHF,80m,600ohm or even by eyeball QSO)....Not to forget to honor the hard work by Webmaster GINO, (HB9SIN) Well done! 73 de Rob
R.Doebeli <[email protected]>
Ittigen, Be Switzerland - Friday, October 17, 2003 at 12:02:53 (EDT)
Bien que néophite en la matière je trouve ce site ..intéressant.. mais il a besoin d'être .. comment dire.. plus.. fourni.. + d'informations pour les gens qui voudraient si interesser et n'y connaissent rien.. un lexique des mots (particuliers à la radio)... ; puis un lexique des matériels (par odrdre alphabétique).. avec les avantages et les inconvénients .. pourraient sembler utiles .. une petite animation pourrait invitée les intéressés à commencer..ce site est tres technique et mériterait aussi d'être un peu .. égayé... par des petits personnages utilisant divers appareils!.. voilà qq.idées .. allez va .. c bien quand même ..
Fauvette <[email protected]>
Plaisir, FRANCE - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 16:05:43 (EDT)
Hallo Gino, Giovanni HB9HFL hat mir mal die Homepageadresse von dir gegeben. Bin da mal ein bisshen zu Besuch gewesen. Nicht übel würde ich sagen. Gibt es Euro QSO auch in CW??? Würde mich freuen, mal wieder was von dir zu hören. Wenn es mal die Zeit erlaubt, höre ich mal im EURO QSO hinein, hoffe es wird auch englisch gesprochen. Ist die einzige Fremdsprache welche ich beherrsche. Best 73 es gl de HB9DQJ Mark
Mark Polesana HB9DQJ <[email protected]>
Schwanden i/E, CH Switzerland - Saturday, September 27, 2003 at 03:05:04 (EDT)
Complimenti per l'impegno!
Massimo Balestra IK1FVO <[email protected]>
Sanremo, ITALY - Wednesday, September 03, 2003 at 19:31:49 (EDT)
Hellow to all...today i`m join the first time to EURO-NET and i`m met nice HAM operators from all EU. 100% come again on Euro net soon!! GL de S57LWE Eric
Eric S57LWE <[email protected]>
Goce, Slovenija - Friday, August 29, 2003 at 03:22:24 (EDT)
Very good website you have here, Glad to put my step on it, send you and your visitors my best greetings. You are ALL " WELCOME " to visit my little webpage as well. Vous êtes bienvenu pour visiter mon webpage Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage Dé la bienvenida para visitar mi webpage.
27 IDX 106 - Odinn
ICELAND - Wednesday, August 06, 2003 at 00:20:19 (EDT)
Gratulation zu dieser tollen Homepage und zu diesem eindrücklichen Hobby! Beste Grüsse an dich, Gino und an Giovanni. Thomas
Thomas Gutermann <[email protected]>
Zürich, Switzerland - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 18:33:06 (EDT)
a partir de maintenant , je te visualiserai dans nos qso fff, à bientot pour un qso visu, avec ex 3a2 mjc.88 qro , sylvette
aromatic <[email protected]>
dijon, france - Saturday, July 19, 2003 at 21:49:58 (EDT)
C'est bien loin déjà: 3A2 MJC...1965, "un doyen" dirait un contemporain... Mais ce qui est beau chez les Radios, c'est l'amitié qui se noue si vite, et si fort! Avec tous mes 73 les plus QRO. Et BRAVO pour le site, ça permet de rêver... Quarante ans déjà... C'était hier! CQ, CQ TWENTY... Emouvant...
Yves VENTURA <[email protected]>
MONTE CARLO, MONACO - Saturday, July 19, 2003 at 14:36:09 (EDT)
looking forward to meeting you and haveing more than just a few beers!
Alvin S.Challen <[email protected]>
ashtead, Great Britain - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 01:55:54 (EDT)
Cher Gino, J'aimerais te remercier de tout coeur pour l'excellent travail de mise à jour de ce formidable site! Je voudrais aussi te dire que j'ai beaucoup de plaisir à collaborer avec toi pour la "cosmétique" Vive la radio et longue vie à l'Euro-QSO !!! Amitiés chaleureuses. Gio - HB9HFL CIAO !
Giovanni Converso, HB9HFL <[email protected]>
Posieux, Fribourg Switzerland - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 07:50:47 (EDT)
my call VE2ZV,very nice page GOOD WORK
fernand brulotte <[email protected]>
cantley, q.c. canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 16:26:56 (EDT)
Un sentito ringraziamento a HB9HFL e HB9SIN Giovanni e Gino per l' ottimo lavoro della bibliografia e delle foto .E' un sito sicuramente crescera' e avra' un numero di visite in aumento,sopratutto grazie all' ottimo Webmaster Gino. 73 de IV3JER Franco
Iv3jer <[email protected]>
Flaibano, I Italy - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 at 08:59:59 (EDT)
Dear Gino.This is a wonderful web site.Please accept all my best wishings for this beatiful organisation.
Ulug Ozkan <[email protected]>
Biel, BE Switzerland - Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 08:55:19 (EDT)
Bravo bel sito Gino.Per favore visita ache mio sito. 73 de Voyko
Voyko <[email protected]>
Nova Gorica, Slovenia - Monday, June 02, 2003 at 00:27:53 (EDT)
Sito bello e interessante. Belle le foto delle antenne. Sono Web master specializzato in programmazione ASP. Se avete bisogno per le migliorie del sito (senza offesa a nessuno) contattatemi senza problemi: sarò molto contento di contribuire.
IZ7ECX <[email protected]>
Castrignano dei Greci, IT Italia - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 13:46:42 (EDT)
Un peu compliqué à mon avis pour ariver à décripter vos messages
HB9AQN Ernest STREIT <[email protected]>
Avenches, CH USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 06:45:40 (EDT)
Meilleures 73 et félicitations pour le site agrémenté de photos impressionnantes
Alain Dautrepppe <[email protected]>
Trucy, 02 FRANCE - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 19:01:20 (EDT)
Hello Gino! My congratulations for your very nice Euro-QSO page,it is really fantastic. I hope I will be also in the group during the summer time,if the propagation will be good enough in 80m to make understandable QSO. All the best greetings from Finland! Merci peaucoup Gino! Aatos OH8JEP
Aatos <[email protected]>
Ylivieska, Finland - Friday, May 16, 2003 at 16:35:58 (EDT)
Wow, my friend you have a very nice website here, many nice things to view. I will check back in the future for more interesting things. Bye for now :)
Kevin Korpan - VE6KEK <[email protected]>
Vegreville, Alberta Canada - Friday, May 16, 2003 at 02:25:47 (EDT)
Hello dear friend Gino, You have a wonderfull homepage. Vy 73 de HE9ZDH Stefano
Stefano Moro <[email protected]>
Seon, AG Switzerland - Saturday, May 10, 2003 at 10:55:30 (EDT)
Bravo pour cet excellent site Gino ! C'est très bien que les OM's montent des pages comme ça, pour la promotion du hobby et le plaisir des visiteurs. Continue comme ça!
David HB3YGA <[email protected]>
Chavornay, VD Switzerland - Thursday, May 08, 2003 at 05:41:18 (EDT)
Hello, Verry nice home page, congrat. Will tray sometimes, coming on Euro Qso, but is to early, for me, and with dipole on roof, not easy copy all. 73 from HB9IIY Eddy
Eddy <[email protected]>
Romanel s/Lausanne, CH Switzerland - Wednesday, May 07, 2003 at 10:50:15 (EDT)
Ciao A tutti. Ottimo lavoro Gino ,continua cosi'. A presto in 3753 73 de Franco
Franco Rinaldi <[email protected]>
USA - Monday, May 05, 2003 at 03:33:18 (EDT)
Hello GINO! Bravo pour l'excellente présentation de ton site et pour la qualité du contenu! T'es sur la bonne voie... Courage! Je t'enverrai quelques petits articles sur l'Euro-QSO et autres... Je te souhaite beaucoup de visiteurs! Bonne continuation et cordiales 73. A bientôt sur les ondes... Amitiés. A+ Giovanni, HB9HFL
Converso Giovanni <[email protected]>
Posieux, Fr Switzerland - Friday, April 04, 2003 at 11:19:41 (EST)

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