Infos about the QTH of HP1XVH

As QTH for our Expedition 2000 we are able to use the  best way equipped radio shack of Guenter HP1XVH on Contadora Island Panama. This impressing established contest station is located on a small Island of 1,2qkm.
This Station counts with three complete Transmitter with Amplifiers, Network-PC's, Modems and a  lot  more and they are in excellent conditions. Tnx Guenter,  his all we can use for free during our stay on an Pacific Island in the Gulf of Panama.
Shack HP1XVH
Big Antennas - 80 to 10 are monobanders on three different Towers, a perfect location on an Pacific Island are the secret of Guenters booming signals around the world and also a guaranty for us to be on air with an unusual good signal during the time before and after the contest and off curse in the contest CQ WW DX-RTTY 2000.
2ele 80m and 14ele 20-10m, all FORCE 12
4ele 40m KLM