Amateur  GI8FLQ  Radio
image of GI8FLQ's QSL card

Blue Bar/Line

How did you learn to communicate ?

RSGB logo and linkBangor & District Radio Society Badge and link
Perhaps like me you progressed, through listening and observing,
to imitation of what you heard and saw.
You got better at it through practice and study.

That's how I got into the hobby of Amateur Radio and eventually
was granted a Licence "for the purpose of self-training in
communication by wireless telegraphy, which use, (without limiting
the generality of the foregoing) includes technical investigations."

The purpose of this site is to offer another avenue of communication
through which we might share our combined experience and enjoyment
of this hobby .

Logo of UK Six Metre Group and linkLogo of Raynet, Radio Amateur Emergency Network in the UK, and link to Raynet Northern Ireland's web site

Are you,or have you been, active on Six Metres?
I need your help. Please visit Six (50MHz) Firsts.

Also, if you are or have been, active on Four, or Two Metres,
70 Centimetres, 23 Centimetres and/or 3 Centimetres
please visit the Four, Two, 70 Cms, 23 Cms or 3 Cms Firsts.

The Firsts Page provides a general explanation of, and a launch pad to,
all the GI (Northern Ireland) First Lists covering Amateur Bands
between 50MHz and 1300MHz and also 10GHz.

I need a lot of help from your memory and logbooks
Contact me at [email protected] or by postal mail.
I have been QTH(R) since about 1977.

  | Firsts  | 4 metres & up History   | 6 History  | 


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This page was last updated on 23rd.July 2005.