Worked All Europe Winners

by Sharon, KC1YR

The all-FARA team of Martin AA1ON/G4DZC, Danny N1ZPE/T93M and Sharon KC1YR, operating from Martin's shack as KC1YR, won top North American honors for the second year in a row in the Worked All Europe SSB contest.
The KC1YR team finished first in North America and third in the world (non-Europe) overall in the multi-op category, behind RK9CWW and ZW5B (by less than 50,000 points).
Results, as thoughtfully passed along to us by Danilo S50U:
Top Six Multi Operator Non-Europe, Worked All Europe SSB '98

New Email Address

Our Director, Dick, has a new email address.  It is [email protected].
Anyone with a ARRL membership can use the email forwarding service. You first need to set up a FREE account with the members only section of the ARRL website.  Use the web address and click on "Members Only" to find out how.
This address will forward to your existing email address.

No 'Net Access, No Problem

by Robert, N1UVA

Are you interested in reading the Circuit online and receiving emails from the Clubs email list?
A new service is available called NetZero.  It is a completely free Internet service with the same privileges that you get with other Internet services but no monthly fees.  You can surf the web and you will get a full email account.
The catch, is that while your browser is loaded a window will also open with banner ads that run while you are online.
The minimum system requirements are a 486 system, with 16 MB of RAM, about 12 MB of free disk space, Windows 95, a 14.4 modem and an SVGA monitor.
I have been using the service periodically and I have never encountered a busy signal and consistently get a 33.6 connection from home.
Ask a friend to download it from

email [email protected] and we'll set you up!

What's This?

Read club member Sumner Weisman's, W1VIV, article in the April QST to find out.

[email protected]

The FARA email reflector is working well. It provides us with an easy way to reach all our members who have email. You have to sign up it will reach you, though. See the instructions on the FARA web page, and remember that, once you sign up, anything you send must come from the address you signed up with. If you change email addresses, you won't be able to post until you repeat the signup process from your new address.

Steve, AA1IZ and students in Grenada with one of the computers we shipped.

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are as follows: (Make checks payable to FARA)
Regular FARA $10
Student / Retired $5
Repeater (voluntary) $10

FARA Horizons

Apr 8: Monthly Meeting
Apr 26: Board Meeting
May 1: MA Qso Party
May 1: FARA Night Out

Change of Address

If you would like to change the address on your Circuit label, please email [email protected]. Or, you can call Bev Lees at 508-626-2012