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Egypt 2013 SU---IOTA DX-Pedition April 2013
"Nelson's Island" approximately 20 kilometers east of the Egyptian port of Alexandria, four kilometers north of Cape Aboukir. Nelson’s Island (approximately 350 meters by 150 meters) so SU-IOTA DX-Pedition from the most wanted Egyptian Island AF-New " Nelson's Island" ERASD teamwork plan to be on the air for one week and working on all Ham bands.!
Nelson's Island
CQ Egypt SU55J
special event "Egypt 2012--- CQ CQ CQ SU55J" This Event is gathering the Radio Amateurs from all over the world to enjoy the Radio activity from 18 – 22 October 2012 in Cairo. The Event is organized by ERASD in cooperation with the Arab Scout Region. The program includes the participation in the 55th World Scout Jamboree on the air (JOTA 55)
Special event SU30ASR
will be active from Abu Quear - Alexandri from 24 August until 2 September 2012, Special callsign to Celebrating the special event 30th Arab Scouts Camp ERASD Team SU1SK,Said. SU1AO,Atef. and SU1AR, Ayman. plans to operate SSB CW and digital modes on all Amateur bands