
Amateur Radio

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Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club

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There is a test session held on the second Saturday of even numbered months at the HealthSouth Rehab Center, Fort Smith Arkansas at 10:00 AM.  There are some special events which may cause these sessions to be moved in date and place so it is best to check with me before the test session or listen to the 146.64 MHz Thursday night net at 8:00 PM for additional information.

There are also sessions held on the last Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM.  These are held at St. Edwards Hospital on Rogers Avenue in Fort Smith. The contact person for this group is Charles Wells

If you do not have a license and are testing to obtain one, bring an ID and $6.65 for the test fee.  If you have tested before and have a license or Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) from a previous examination, bring the original and a copy to the testing session.  We need the copy to send in to the VEC and the original to compare to the copy.  If a calculator is needed, be prepared to clear the memory before the test. 

The FCC has just issued a restructuring of the Amateur licenses.  Check out the ARRL or FCC web sites for more information.  This will become effective on April 15th, 2000.  There number of license classes will be reduced to three (Technician, General, and Amateur Extra) with a 5 word per minute code test required for the General and Amateur Extra license.  Persons with Novice and Advanced licenses will be allowed to renew as such and keep their privileges but no new licenses will be issued for these classes.