Penang YMCA ARC (9M2YMC)















The YMCA ARC originally started as a hobby/computer club way back in 1983. During that time of Apple Computers, many youths were fascinated by the computer and what the computer can do. The demand to know and learn this technology brought about the formation of the club by some YMCA members spearheaded by Mr. Malcolm Westwood. Simple Basic programming was taught followed by leaning to use application programmes like and graphic programmes like PrintShop. A few years later, electronics was introduced in the club. It was introduced to cater for members who wanted to learn how the computer works and to get acquainted with electronics so that hobby projects could be constructed. Electronics then superseded computer in the club and the club became known as the YMCA Electronics Club. This club again changed its name to YMCA Amateur Radio Club sometime in 1994 when members became inclined towards wireless communication. As it stands today, the YMCA ARC has been very active in its programmes and it is also a leading club in Malaysia where amateur radio activities are concerned.

Anyone Interested ?
Any member of the public who wants to become a ham can approach the YMCA ARC to obtain advise and help. The club runs Amateur Radio Exam courses and Morse code proficiency practice for its members who will become a qualified ham operator after passing the exams. Throughout the year, field day activities are organized to give opportunities for SWLs to handle transceivers so that they will become proficient radio operators later and to be exposed to the requirements of this hobby. The club also involved itself in the many community service events held in Penang. The YR2001 International Penang Bridge Run saw the full participation of the club members providing communication for the St. John Ambulance Brigade in carrying out their duties of first aid for the thousands. Club members were called upon to give service in radio communication for their many outdoor events.
Members of the club do not expect any gratification in kind or reward when they participated in events where their talent and equipment is being utilized but they do get tremendous satisfaction of having been part of the event and having contributed amateur radio service willingly. Members meet every Friday @ 2030hrs at the club house.










Important Links:




YMCA Penang
3rd Floor (9M2YMC ARC)
211 Jalan Macalister,
10450 Penang, Malaysia




Web Master

Name:  9W2PA/ZL1KCA (Aw)         

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]




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