Now that you've downloaded the software and have it decoding other stations, you're ready to make your first QSO. While JT44 is most useful in making extremely weak signal QSOs where the other station may not even be audible, it is best to practice a few QSOs with stronger stations just to get the feel of the procedures.

First of all, with JT44 it is not necessary to exchange traditional signal reports. Instead only an exchange of four-digit grid locators is required and you can use the exchange format as it is set up in the program.
For your first contact, you can either call CQ (by selecting line 6) or if you want to call another station that you have identified put his callsign in the TO RADIO space and select GENERATE STD TEXTS to put his callsign into lines 1 and 2.

Initially, use the format exactly as set up in the JT44 program. As an example, if K1SIX were calling me I would initially receive ZS6WB K1SIX FN43 from him and would reply by sending K1SIX ZS6WB KG44 back to him. As soon as he receives my information he will select RRRRRRRRRR and my response would be 737373737373 to indicate that I have received all information and consider the contact complete. When I receive 73s from him I will resume calling CQ, looking for my next contact.

With this format it is necessary to put anything into the computer other than the callsign of the other station and your Callsign and Grid which you have put into the Setup Options.
Once you have made a few initial contacts with this procedure you are ready to try the slightly modified procedure described a bit later.

For European stations looking to make that first contact watch for me on 50.250. I always transmit during the second period so you will want to select the TX FIRST block. Follow these simple procedures and making that first contact is very easy.