I was born in 1956 in Asunción without any family relation to amateur radio.

In 1973, my father's twin brother (and his family) moved to Zambia (9J), hired as an UN expert, and we found the easiest way to keep in contact, was amateur radio, so the whole familiy became amateur radio operators. I was first licensed in October 1975, and was given the callsign I still hold.

The same year, I began university studies on electromechanical engineering, which got me in touch with computer programming and data processing, which later turned into my way of living.

That year I became a member of R.C.P. - Radio Club Paraguayo, when just licensed as an amateur radio operator. By now, I'm a life member, after being member of the board, member of the Education Council, QSL manager for RCP stations, Award Manager and Vicepresident.

In 1977 I began my relation to
Mary Ann WA3HUP, which was my qsl manager until she retired some years ago, and did an excelent job for more than 30 years. TNX MARY ANN !!!   My current qsl manager is Randy W5UE, who also does a magnificent job handling cards, and takes advantage of resources like the internet for on-line log checking and on-line qsl requests (OQRS).

Being on the air with such regularity at those years, gave me the chance to work the needed 100 different entities (countries), and so earned DXCC in 1977, followed by WAS, WAZ and other awards.

When in 1979, my father was hired as an UN expert, and moved to Sao Tome and Principe (S9), we already had all the resources to keep in contact with him (and my mother) through HAM radio, but unfortunately, no activity was allowed there at that time, and most contacts were done from Gabon, courtesy of Eugenio-TR8LE (sk).

Since 1982, my job activities as an independent consultant in software desing and programming, mostly accounting, inventory management and invoicing for networked PC environments leaves me a fair amount of free-time to dedicate to the radio hobby..

Got married in 1983, and my XYL (wife) "kindly decided" that towers and antennas were ugly structures, so to avoid any kind of "conflict", HAM (amateur radio) related activities were reduced (to ABSOLUTE ZERO!!).

While off the air, my daughters were born, an finally, in 1991 I got clearance to   install a "not very exagerated" antenna system, and my "back to the air" radio station, and even convinced my wife to take the exams and get an amateur license, which she did and got the callsign ZP5MLE, though she is a "very-rare-one".

In 1992, after my "no-radio-vacation", I completed the 5BDXCC (100 different entities on each of the 10-15-20-40-80m bands), which was almost done in 1983 when I married and left radio activities aside. In 1993 completed the needed 100 entities on 12 and 17m bands, and so got the endorsements for the 5BDXCC, which then became 7BDXCC.

After a period of superb conditions on the 6m band, during the nineties, another goal was accomplished and the ARRL mailed me as a new year's gift, my 6M DXCC, which also made my 7BDXCC turn into 8BDXCC (6-10-12-15-17-20-40-80m).

A bit later, got the needed hundred entities on the 30 meters band, and added on more step to the awards, turning my 8BDXCC into a  9BDXCC (6-10-12-15-17-20-30-40-80).  I don't think I'll attempt to do it on 160m because of space limitations, as I live in a normal suburban lot and lack the real state needed for a decent antenna.  I've been reading about 2m EME and I like the challenge and even have some of the necessary equipment, but still have to work on the idea.

By now, my activity is focused on JT65HF, JT9-1, PK63 and RTTY, DX-peditions chasing (just to keep in good shape) and some SSB/CW contacts.  I really like and enjoy the so called "digital modes".

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