ZL1BOI - Jock White National Field Day 2015

The following are photos of the Branch 84 Field Day station at the QTH of ZL1HH and ZL1DAJ near Rainbow Falls, Kerikeri.

88 foot tall tower on the way up. The 80m operating tent to the left ... Bob ZL1RS and Ian ZL1CBD are "supervising" to the right. (photo thanks to Graeme ZL1ANH)

Home made lattice tower by Bob ZL1RS. The winch rope is running over a 20 foot tall gin pole with a roller system at the top (photo thanks to Graeme ZL1ANH)

The tower successfully raised with 33 foot long cross boom at the 85 foot level. This cross boom held the 3 element wire Yagi for 80m (photo thanks to Graeme ZL1ANH)

Computer simulation of the 3 element 80m inverted vee Yagi designed by Bob ZL1RS

SWR curve of the actual Yagi as measured with a SARK-110 Antenna Analyser (looks like a 20kHz construction error Bob ... the shame!)

The view South (photo thanks to Peter ZL1PWM)

The view to the West with the 40m operating trailer in the background behind the tower (photo thanks to Russell ZL2BER)

The view to the North East with Mike ZL2AUA's Presidential Motor Home to the left and the PTO winch on Russell ZL2BER's Nissan Patrol that was used to raise the tower (photo thanks to Russell ZL2BER)

Sadly no one took photos of the Sunday BBQ lunch which was the main event!

Mike ZL2AUA - Branch 84 President, generator and 80m station equipment
Graeme ZL1ANH - Branch 84 Secretary, 40m antenna and 40m station equipment
Russell ZL2BER - chief tower raising winch operator, 2nd 40m station equipment
Ian ZL1CBD - 5th wheel 40m operating shelter (complete with arm chairs, Sky TV and solar powered 285 A/Hr battery supply for the 40m station)
Don ZL1HH - BBQ, furniture, tractor, battery charger
Bob ZL1RS - dumb schmuck with the tower and 80m Yagi, 500 A/Hr battery supply for the 80m station
Sylvia XYL ZL2AUA, Barbara XYL ZL1RS, and Jill ZL1DAJ - lunch
Colin ZL2BDH and Peter ZL1PWM - club member visitors

And many special thanks to our operating site hosts again this year, Don ZL1HH and Jill ZL1DAJ.

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