My contribution to Linux
interested in antennas
can find here
the last version of the NEC2
My last contribution: DBLog is a logging program for radio amateurs based on relational Data Bases. It includes a CW Keyer based on cwdaemon , can export and import qso datas in ADIF format. It can import LoTW and eQSL AFIF files to update statistics. It can display an Azimuthal map using xplanet. It is integrated with xdx, the cluster program by PG4I or can use its own cluster access which allows to spot worked and heard stations. Clicking on the cluster spots will set frequency and mode of the radio. Uses rigctld from hamlib to interface to the radio. Shows also a clickable list of spots ordered by frequency in the band of use. This list also remembers CQ frequency when in RUN mode and heard stations when in S&P mode. DBLog can scan for NCDXF beacons and show their position on the azimuthal map. An analogic clickable band map allows to visualize the band and spots. Spots/frequencies can be stored permanently. It is integrated with fldigi and with WSJT. Handles transverter on all available bands. DBLog can work as log server for other programs. Stores QSL images together with QSO data's.
Find here my GAMBAS examples.
WSPR-MAP is a program companion of WSPR
It reads from ALL_WSPR.TXT the infos about the received stations and plots them on xplanet map centred on your QTH. It also computes the distance and the bearing.
It supposes that wspr is installed in ~/WSPR as done by the .deb distributed file.
It requires that the xplanet configuration file /etc/xplanet/config/default have a line like this...
where you will change "pino" with your user name.
It requires also notify-send which comes with the package libnotify-bin. This is needed for the notifications of every new heard station.
Please look at the screen-shots 1 and 2 just to have an idea. The program is available as source: it is written in GAMBAS 2.18 under the GNU GPL licence.
There is also an installation file for Debian and one for Ubuntu. I can provide the installation file for other distros if required.
WSJT: WSJT.PY modified for logging into DBLog
FLDIGI: ctlfldigi is a simple program to exercize all fldigi XML-RPC functions.
Modula-3: All my Modula-3 sources are available here under the GPL GNU license, without any guarantee. The main project is a 3 levels client server application for managing a net of cybercafès. You will find a lot of multitasking and inter-process communication. Hope it will be useful for somebody. Feedback and comments are welcome.
Now Linux speaks Guaranì
Guarani is the most spoken language in Paraguay.
If you want set the console keyboard for writing and printing in Guarani download and install the Guarani-0.2.tgz file. (Shift-click if you see strange characters !)
For writing documents in Guarani in the X-Windows environment use the nice YUDIT.
Here are the first three lessons of a course of Guarani dedicated to Italian speaking people. It is in UNICODE so you need yudit to read them properly. (Note that the UNICODE of that M$ WEB browser do not print properly the nasal “g”)
For more information about Guarani
see the Guarani
dictionary and the Guarani
home page .
the poor representation of Guarani characters in the web pages !!
here the last news about Linux Software