Ham Radio Magazines
English language
QST   - Official Journal of ARRL
Editor: Mark J. Wilson K1RO, 
ARRL, 225 Main Street,
Newington, CT 06111-1494, USA 
 E-mail:  [email protected]
 Price: $ 34 W / $ 47 VE
 Other countries: $ 54
QEX  (bimonthly) 
Forum for Communications Experimenters
Editor: Doug Smith KF6DX/7, ARRL, 225 Main Street, 
Newington, CT 06111-1494, USA
 E-mail: [email protected]

 Web: http://www.arrl.org/qex/

Radio Communications
Editor: Steve White G3ZVW
R.S.G.B., Lambda House,Cranborne Road,
Potters Bar, Harts, United Kingdom EN6 3JE
 Ph:   01707 659015
 Fax: 01707 645105
 E-mail:[email protected]
 E-mail:[email protected]
 Web : http://www.rsgb.org
Radio Today
Editor: Steve Telenius-Lowe G4JVG, 
R.S.G.B., Lambda House, Cranborne Road, 
Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3JE, United Kingdom
 E-mail:[email protected]


CQ Amateur Radio
Editor: Richard S. Moseson, W2VU, CQ Communications, 
25 Newbridge Rd, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA
 E-mail:[email protected] cqamateurradio
25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA 
CQ Contest 
Editor: ? 
25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, 
NY 11801, USA 
Popular Communications
Editor: ? 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, 
NY 11801, USA
Communications Quarterly
Editor: ? 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, 
NY 11801, USA 
Editor: ? 25 Newbridge Road,
Hicksville, NY 11801, USA
The DX Magazine
Editor: Carl E.Smith N4AA, P.O.Box DX, 
Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA
 E-mail:[email protected] dxmag
73 Magazine
Editor: Wayne Green II W2NSD/1, 
70 N. Hancock Road, Peterborough, NH 03458, USA 
 E-mail:[email protected]  
NCJ National Contest Journal (bimonthly) 
Editor: Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV, 
4357 Appolonio Way, Carson City, 
NV 89704,  USA
 E-mail:[email protected]
 E-mail:[email protected] 
QCWA Journal (quarterly) 
Editor: Gerry Wentz KC4EHT, 
672 Indian River Driver, Melbourne, FL 32935, USA
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Amateur Television Quarterly
Editor: Gene Harlan WB9MMM, 
5931 Alma Drive, Rockford IL 61108-2409, USA
 E-mail:[email protected]   
Radio ZS 
Editor: Wolfy Matz ZS6BYM, 
No.3 The Spinney, John Avenue, Bedford Park, 
2007 Bedfordview, South Africa
Amateur Radio
Editor: Bill Rice VK3ABP, P.O.Box 2175, 
Caufield Junction, Vic 3161 Australia 
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Spark (quarterly)
Amateur Radio Association, 
71-B, Pocket A-9, Kalhaji Extension,
New Delhi 110019, India
Editor: John Walker ZL3IB,
P.O.Box 1733, Christchurch, New Zealand
Editor: Rick McCusker KO6DJ, 
2120 28th St., Sacramento, CA 95818, USA
 E-mail:[email protected]  
QRP Quarterly  
Editor: Mary Cherry NA6E, 8383 Sierra Sunset Drive, Sacramento, CA 95828-5304, USA 
 E-mail:[email protected]  
The New RTTY Journal ( quarterly) Editor: George W. Henry K9GWT, P.O.Box 236, Champaign, IL 61824-0236, USA  E-mail:[email protected]  
10-10 International News
( quarterly)
Editor: Steve Rasmussen, KB0WHY, 312 N 6th Street, Plattsmouth, NE 68048
 E-mail:[email protected]  
The Canadian Amateur (bimonthly)
Editor: Alan Griffin, 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
 E-mail:[email protected] The Canadian Amateur
German language
CQ DL (German) 
Editor: Harry Radke DB2HR, P.O.Box 1155,
D-34216 Baunatal, Germany 
 E-mail:[email protected]
 Web: http://www.darc.de/
UKW Berichte (German & English)
Editor: Terry Bittan, P.O.Box 80,
D-91081 Baiersdorf, Germany
Dubus (German and  English  ) 
Editor: Rainer Bertelsmeier DJ9BV, Gluckburger Str. 20,
D-22769 Hamburg, Germany 
 E-mail:  [email protected] dubus
Funkamateur (German) 
Editor: Knut Theuric DG0ZB, 
Berliner Strasse 69, D-13189 Berlin-Pankow, Germany. 
 E-mail: [email protected]  
Old Man (German & French) 
Editor: Werner Muller HB9CUQ, Postfach, Weissacher, 
CH-4539 Rumisberg, Switzerland 
 E-mail:[email protected]
 E-mail: [email protected]
Funk (German)
Editor: Michael Buege  DH8IAU, Postfach 2274,
D-76492 Baden-Baden, Germany 
 E-mail:[email protected]   
QSP (German) 
Editor: Dr. Ronald Eisenwagner OE3REB, Wienerstrasse 25, Theresienfeld, A-2604, Austria 
 E-mail:[email protected]  
QRP-Report (German) Editor: Wolfgang Bedrich DL1UU, Mulenstrasse 31, 13187 Berlin, Germany  E-mail: [email protected]   
French language
Radio REF

Editor: David Lemaire, 
32 Rue de Suede, BP 7429, 
F-37074, Tours Cedex 2, France 

 E-mail:[email protected] radioREF

Editor: Denis Bonomo, F6GKQ, 
La Croix aux Beurries, 
P.O.Box 88, F-35890 Laille, France

 E-mail:[email protected] mhzmagf
CQ Radio Amateur

Editor:  Mark Kentell, F6JSZ , 
Le Puy Pincon, ZI Tulle Est,
P.O.Box 76, F- 19002, Tulle Cedex, France 

[email protected]
Radioamateur du Quebec 
( bimonthly)
Editor: Guy Lamoureux VE2LGL,
4545 avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin, CP 1000
Sucursale M, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Russian & Ukrainian
Radio (Russian) 

Editor:Yuri Krylov, Seliverstov per 10, 
Moskow 103045, Russia

 E-mail: [email protected]  radiorus
Radiolyubitel (Russian) 
Editor: Valentin Benzar EU1AA, P.O.Box 41, 
Minsk 220050, Republic of Belarus
 E-mail: [email protected]  
Radio Hobby (Ukranian) 
Editor: Nikolay Suhov, P.O.Box 568, 
252190 Kiev-190, Ukraine
 E-Mail [email protected]   
Italian language
Radio Rivista (Italian)
(Organo Ufficiale dell'Associazione Radioamatori Italiani)
Editor: Editradio s.r.l.
Via D. Scarlatti 31, 
I-20124 Milano MI, Italy 
 Ph:  +390-2-6692894
 Fax: +390-2-66714809
 Email: [email protected]
 Price: 9500 Lit (March 2000)
CQ Electronica (Italian)
Editor: Giorgio Totti, Via Agucci 104, I-40131 Bologna, Italy 
Spanish & Portuguese
CQ Radio Amateur (Spanish) 
Editor: Miquel Pluvinet Grau, EA3DUJ, 
Concepcion Arenal 5, E-08027 Barcelona, Spain
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Radioaficionados U.R.E. (Spanish) 
Editor: Juan Martin Martinez, 
Monte Igueldo 102, E-28010 Madrid, Spain
 E-mail:[email protected]  
R.C.A. Revista del Radio Club Argentino (Spanish, trimonthly) 
Editor: Oscar Pesiney LU1CQ, 
Carlos Calvo 1424, Buenos Aires 1102, Argentina 
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Revista de Radio e Comunicacoes (Portuguese) 
Editor ?, Apartado 38, 3501 Viseu-Codex, Portugal
QTC Magazine (Portuguese) 
Editor: Flavio A.B. Archangelo PY2ZX, 
P.O.Box 22, Sao Paulo, SP 01059-970,  Brazil
 E-mail:[email protected]  
QSP (Portuguese) 
Editor: Adelino Silva Francisco CT1AL, 
Apartado38, P-3502 Viseu, Portugal
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Other languages
QTC Amatorradio (Swedish) 

Editor: Ernst Winborg SM0RGP, 
SSA, P.O.Box 45, 
SE-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden

E-mail:[email protected]  
Electron (Dutch) 
Editor: VERON, P.O.Box1166, NL-6801BD, Arnheim, The Nethelands 
 E-mail:[email protected]
 E-mail:[email protected]
EDR OZ (Danish) 
Editor: Flemming Hessel OZ8XW, Knud Rasmussenveg 4, 

DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark 

 E-mail:[email protected]  
Radioamatoori (Finish) 
SRAL, P.O.Box 44, FIN-00441, Helsinki, Finland 
Editor: Annika Wahlstrom, Kaupinmaenpolku 9, 

Helsinki/Lassila, Finland 

 E-mail: [email protected]  
ES – QTC (Estonian) 
Editor: Jaan Nikker ES3GZ, Mahlamae 8-28, 

79511 Rapla, Estonia 

 E-mail: [email protected]   
Radioamater (Serbian) 
Editor: Srecko "Fex" Moric YU1DX, Trg. Republike 3/IV, 
P.O.Box 48, 11000 Belgrad, Yugoslavia
 E-mail: [email protected]  
Bilten (Serbian)
Editor: Jovanovic Dusan YZ4AA, 
P.O.Box 121, 76300 Bielina, Serb Republic, via Yugoslavia
Radiocomunicatii si Radioamatorism (Romanian) 
Editor: Vasile Ciobanita YO3APG, 
P.O.Box 22-50, R-71100 Bucharest, Romania
 E-mail:[email protected]
Editor: Ilie Mihaiescu - YO3CO
Str. Maica Domnului 48, Sect. 2, Bucharest, Romania
 Ph:   +40-1-242.22.06
 Fax:  +40-1-242.09.79
 E-mail:[email protected] 
Radiotechnika (Hungarian)
Editor: Bekei Ferenc HA5KU, P.O.Box 603, 

H-1374 Budapest, Hungary

Hobby Elektronika (Hungarian)
Editor: Bekei Ferenc HA5KU, P.O.Box 603,

H-1374 Budapest, Hungary 

Radiozurnal (Slovac, bimonthly) 
Editor: Roman Kudlak OM3EI,
Bakosova 16, 84103 Bratislava, Slovakia
 E-mail:[email protected]   
Swiat Radio (Polish) 
Editor: Andrzej Janeczek, ul. Burleska 9, 

Warszawa, Poland

CQ ZRS (Slovenian, bimonthly) 
Editor: Drago Grabensek S59AR, Kunaverjeva 4, 

61117 Ljubljana, Slovenia

QTC Magazyn Krotkofalowcow (Polish) 
Editor: Sylwester Jarkiewicz SP2FAP, 
Redakcja MK QTC, ul. Wilmozy 5b. 82-337 Suhacz, Poland
[email protected]
Elektron (Bulgarian) 
Editor: Victor Tzenkov LZ3NN, ul. Kneaz Boris I nr. 162, 
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
 E-mail:[email protected]  
Radio Televizia Elektronika (Bulgarian) 
Editor: Emilia Hristova, ul. Gurko 6, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
 E-mail:[email protected]  
CQ QSO (Belgian) 
Editor: Dries Decadt ON6CX, Wijtschaatse Str. 23, 
B-8902 Voormezelee, WV Belgium 
 E-mail:[email protected]  

Please inform me about other ham radio magazines not listed here or supply me additional details, (Web site, email, pictures, info, etc) !