This from Ed KG8CX a wonderful and inspiring promotional video about the hobby!
(Sorry that the video is not the only item in the frame)
This is a really fun video about POTA opts and puts the hobby into a very beautiful area in New Zealand.
Vicki AD3I Has introduced quite a few youth into this hobby! And according to this interview there is no plan to stop any time soon!
I think we all know what it is since all of us have a license (we all hope...) but for anyone that is visiting the site that is not licensed this description from the radio society of Brittan does a good job of explaining! And even for us already licensed hams, this is a wonderfully interesting and inspiring video!
For those of you that are new to ham radio and maybe don't have your licence yet, there are some things that it is really easy for the long time ham community at large to forget to mention. Things that we have gotten used to. but you might find interesting to hear about as a new ham!