The Baudot Code

The following chart depicts the Baudot Code Set (ITA#2).
The leftmost bit is the Most Significant Bit (MSB), transmitted
last. The rightmost bit is the LeastSignificant Bit (LSB),
transmitted first.

The associated LETTERS and FIGURES (case) characters are also 
listed, along with the hexadecimal representation of the

BITS     LTRS    FIGS      HEX

-----    ----    ----      ---

00011      A      -        03

11001      B      ?        19

01110      C      :        0E

01001      D      $        09

00001      E      3        01

01101      F      !        0D

11010      G      &        1A

10100      H      STOP     14

00110      I      8        06

01011      J      '        0B

01111      K      (        0F

10010      L      )        12

11100      M      .        1C

01100      N      ,        0C

11000      O      9        18

10110      P      0        16

10111      Q      1        17

01010      R      4        0A

00101      S      BELL     05

10000      T      5        10

00111      U      7        07

11110      V      ;        1E

10011      W      2        13

11101      X      /        1D

10101      Y      6        15

10001      Z      "        11

00000      n/a    n/a      00

01000      CR     CR       08

00010      LF     LF       02

00100      SP     SP       04

11111      LTRS   LTRS     1F

11011      FIGS   FIGS     1B