I'm Matt, WM4TT, Amateur Extra. My QTH is Burbank, CA and I've been licensed since 1993.
I've had a lot of help along the way, thanks to my brother, K4ARX, among others.
I was born and raised in Athens, GA and attended the University of Georgia - GO DAWGS! - where I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism for Radio, Television and Film (1994). I worked as a producer and on-air talent at WMSL and WGAU in Athens and later as Writer/Producer in Television Marketing at Cartoon Network in Atlanta (1996-2015).
Presently, I'm a Senior Writer/Producer at Warner Bros. Studios in Television Marketing. I moved to SoCal in 2015 and quickly saw how large the ham radio community is here and wanted get involved. Lately, I've been interested in the National Traffic System (NTS) and with the help of K6HTN I've been participating on the Los Angeles Net (LAN). I think it's the writer in me that enjoys it so much. One of my goals for 2024 is to learn CW as I would like to participate in traffic handling on the Southern California Net (SCN).
My station consists of: