The Official Facebook page is here Alaska Morning Net
Russ WL7LP
Alaska Morning Net � Net Manager
Most everything here is related to Amateur radio. My favorite
mode is Slow Scan TV. I have been
having fun with it ever since becoming a Ham Operator. I live in North pole, Alaska. six miles away from Santa
Clause house. I have started this page for SSTV, but have added other
stuff to
it. This is a simple page, nothing fancy. Page updates are made when I have the time for it.
The way the IRLP folks handled over 100 people pgp key for their nodes
was un-professional. My IRLP was effect by this. I am seriously thinking about replacing and my IRLP
node with AllStar nodes now because of their un-professionalism and giving no
noticed. IRLP was bridged over with AllStar and Echolink. Right now the only way to reach the Alaska morning net is to use either Allstar or
Echolink. The IRLP connection will take some time to reestablish as I need to
hard wire an IRLP to an Allstar node using the radio cables. I am truly
sorry for any inconvenience this is to the IRLP users.
The Alaska Morning Net Web site can be found here
The Official Facebook page is here Alaska
Morning Net Russ WL7LP
AMN Facebook page
Alaska Morning Net � Net Manager