My Node numbers are: IRLP 7369, 7611, 7465, 7099, 7388 and ECHOLINK 736215, Allstar 29332
I got started in IRLP and ECHOLINK from a ham in North Carolina NN4NC Mac. I met Mac in the Nos internet packet gateway system in the world wide converse channel. Mac asked me about IRLP and if I knew anything about it. I told him no, I never even heard of it. He told me to tune my vhf rig to 145.55 and I did and there he was calling me. I answered him and we had a 15 minute qso on vhf. me being in Alaska and him in North Carolina. I was just amazed and shocked that we was having this conversation miles away from each other on VHF no less. then he told me how it all worked and I was hooked. IRLP and ECHOLINK are both alot of fun. I build my node and attached a vhf radio to it with the help of KL7M Dave in Anchorage and KL3DO Eric in Fairbanks. I beening having loads of fun ever since. talking to folks all around the world. Thanks to Mac NN4NC for telling me about it and thanks to KL7M Dave, KL3DO Eric for the help in building one.
Jan 1, 2013 - Just built my second IRLP node all by myself node 7611. was a very nice feeling. my current project I am working on is building a moblie IRLP node using a embeded VIA board and then a RaspBerry PI board.
If it ain't got a radio attached to the node, it's just not Amateur radio in my book. one reason I like IRLP much more than Echolink or AllStar. IRLP - Keeping the Radio in Amateur Radio.
Please help out the Alaska Morning Net IRLP Network Fund with your donation. Donations help purchase used Radios, antenna's, coax, IRLP cards, computers and such. So that we can provide wide coverage in the State.