----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bazooka Antennas. The key here is Efficiency. The data that was faxed to me shows that the standard double bazooka operates at about 99% efficiency and 1:1 SWR at the Center Design Frequency, nearly Identical in performance as a dipole. It has about 14percent greater bandwidth and efficiency drops to about 92% at band edges on the reference graph for the entire 80 meter band. The antenna I would not use is the Crossed Bazooka design. It has a 50% better-than-dipole impedance bandwidth, but pretty much only 80% efficient. The standard Bazooka (Not Crossed Bazooka doublet) is just a dipole at the design frequency and works comparably to a typical dipole. It's efficiency remains high (abt. 92%) at its edges. The Bazooka cannot be used on other bands due to the reflective/ reactive tuning element and its effect. Remember, there is a big difference between Radiation efficiency and a SWR of 1:1. A 50 ohm load is 1:1 and 0% efficient. The Standard Bazooka is 1:1 and 99+% efficient. The Snyder Dipole, DXSpecial etc, are around 80% efficient. So I'll give the Bazooka a try. Not a magic antenna, for sure. Just efficient enough to pull my ant. tuner out of the line. We'll see if I still get the Foxii. -Ed