At this point, there is no information on what will happen to licensing for amateur radio in Mexico. In the past, the former SCT and CoFeTel (Federal Telecommunications Commission - it was part of the former SCT) issued licenses and permits for amateur radio until the creation of the IFT in 2013. This included permits for foreign hams to operate from Mexican territory. IFT had been issuing a rather restrictive permit for foreign hams, only permitting operations via satellite, after many years claiming it had no legal authorization to issue permits or licenses to foreign hams.
Will the SICT go back to the previous processes of issuing "licenses" to Mexican hams, instead of the "concessions" that the IFT has been issuing?" Will the SICT issue permits to foreign hams?" If so, will those permits be similar to the permits issued before 2013, or restrictive like the permits IFT had been issuing in the past couple of years, only allowing for amateur operations via satellite?"
At this point, we can only wait and see what comes out of this transition from the IFT to the SICT. Updates will be posted here, as they become available...
DISCLAIMER! I am not a lawyer, nor am I a Mexican national or citizen. Anyone using information posted on this page does so at their own risk.