Erika Schmied
Daughter of
Shirley Smith Schmied

This is a reply to an inquiry of
E-mail I sent to Erika.  She was kind enough to share this with
all of us.

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Thanks . . . . W. R. Hood

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Heidi went to ETSU... I'm still up in New York.... I"m going to a school in Northern New York in a little Town called Potsdam and I'm going to the State University of New York at Potsdam College... I'm an Anthropology major here.... it's okay here.. Not much to do.. But we're right by the Adirondack Mountains so I can go hiking when I want...well when it's not cold or snowing that is...*grin* Which it has seemed to do a lot of as of late.... My osteology and forensics class was canceled so I thought I"d write some E-mail while I had the time... All I seem to be doing as of late is running around constantly!!! No time to do anything!!!! Hmmmmm well Mom just had Heidi and me... She's 26 and I'll be 20 in August..... Well Mom, Dad, Heidi and Gregory (Heidi's baby) Are all in Greeneville . . . I"m the only one still up in New York..... I was starting my second year in College (like I said I'm an anthropology major with a double minor in U.S. History and Museum Studies) when they moved down this summer and I didn't want to transfer to a new School so I"m finishing out my remaining two years up here then I hope to go to a grad school somewhere out west... Then it's onto my doctorate in archaeology . . . I"m going to try and do it all at once cause I think it would be better than not doing anything for a bit.. Actually after my grad school I might work at a site and get my doctorate then.. But I want to get it at some point!!!! I want to do historical archaeological field work . . . and I'm going to be in National Geographic some day so keep an eye out for me.. Then I"m on to become a world famous archaeologist!! HeeHeeHee What can I say.. I have high hopes for myself... *grin* AS for dating stuff...that's done with carbon 14 and other stuff like that... It's interesting stuff!!! I was thinking of maybe going into forensics.. But I love archaeology so I think me"m going to have to stick with that.. But I find forensics stuff fascinating as well...Ummmmm dad's back in school getting his degree.... I think he's done this December.. and he's going to Tusculum College.... He like's it there... I think Heidi want's to get her Masters at some point in time . . . but with the baby she can't do that at the moment.... Ummm as for my =)~ it's a smiley face with it's tongue sticking out . . . Tilt your head to the side and you can see it.. I guess it's kind of my trade mark in a way.. I write them on everything!!! HeeheeHee Oh yeah almost forgot.. If you want to see it...My friend scanned a pic of me so here's the "addy" for Well I guess that's about it for now and I have to get to my history class so I"m not late.. So I shall catch you later!!! *hugs* Love, Erika =)~