WB8ZER UHF Repeater
Union Ridge
444.850 MHz (+5 MHz) PL 131.8
The repeater is located on Union Ridge about 5 miles north of Milton, WV. The repeater is a Kenwood Model TKR-820 and includes an 80 watt amp, FT-212RH 2-Meter Remote Base, SC-4 controller and a Voter system which is yet to be brought on-line. Co-ordinated and current member SERA   Lat: 38:32:16  Lon: 82:12:27
Control Ops:
WB8ZER - Bernie Mays
KI8DU - Roger McCormick
N8FL - Alan Thompson
KA8TUD - Jerry Stickler
KC8CEB - Felicia Thompson
Install Pix:
Repeater Site Construction
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Page Last updated 19-AUG-03