[SI-LIST] : Re: Charge moving from decoupling capacitors

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From: Barry Ma ([email protected])
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 10:48:23 PDT


Thanks a lot for the good explanation.

Although there's no current loop going through transmission line after gate closes, any current on metal plane for regaining eqi-potential would stil cause EM field in the dielectric. The fields would move with the moving charge together at the speed of light in the dielectric.

Best Regards,
On Tue, 16 May 2000, sweir wrote:
> Barry,
> That imbalance in potential is a restatement of: "The electric potential is
> different at one point in space versus another, and the plane connects
> both." The difference in potential provides an accelerating force for
> charge, and the plane provides a path for the charge to move. When the
> charge accelerates the EM wave results. The EM wave travels in the
> dielectric surrounding the plane. If the dielectric K were infinite then
> even the slightest acceleration of the charge would create an opposing
> field that would stop any propagation in its tracks.
> Regards,
> Steve.


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