Re: [SI-LIST] : eye patterns

Mike Degerstrom ([email protected])
Tue, 12 May 1998 15:07:45 -0500


I think that there is a handful of tools out there that allow you
to simulate eye patterns - though I don't know if they can
use HSPICE for their circuit simulator.

We are able to generate eye patterns by writing a program
to define the PWL source for HSPICE. Then we use another
program to superimpose the results from each clock cycle
to generate the eye diagram. These programs are written
in perl scripts. If you want a "home-grown" approach instead
of using commercial software then I'd be glad to provide
more details.

With respect to BER plots - apparently you are referring to producing
them with simulation rather than by measurement. This is a capability
that I would like as well. Wouldn't you have to have a very good model
for your receiver to perform such a study?


> Hello,
> I am currently using hspice and I am looking to graph eye patterns and
> also BER plots.
> I was wondering if anyone out there has any good advice on what tools to
> use.
> Thanks
> Craig Callen
> [email protected]

Mike Degerstrom                       Email:    [email protected]	
Mayo Clinic - Gugg. Bldg. RM 1011-B    Phone:    (507) 284-3292
Rochester, MN 55905                    FAX:    (507) 284-9171