[SI-LIST] : [SI-LIST] Positive ECL (PECL) voltage swings, but designed to be

Salvador Aguinaga ([email protected])
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 11:28:21 -0500

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Will some one shed some light on why differential lines (to and from) a ECL
device are AC coupled? I've been unsuccessful at finding an answer from my
internet searches.

I am speaking specifically to the AC coupling that is found in fibre-channel
ser-des transmitters.

| \ |
| / | C2
| |
| |
< R1 >R2
> <
| |
| |
_|_ _|_

Where C1=C1=0.01uF

Why is the capacitor needed? What is the theory behind this implementation?


_ __ Salvador Aguinaga Jr.
/_/ )/ _| Carrier Systems Group
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=B7 R&D
__ |( (_ _ _ Mt. Prospect, Illinois
\ \_)\__|(_)|)) (847) 222=B72833



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