Around My House

My House (red pin)

Map showing my location relative to San Antonio and Floresville, TX
Grid EL09vf
29º 14' 32" N 98º 14' 56" W
Yes that's the China Grove of Doobie Bros fame

How's the Weather around Floresville?

My Wife and Me

My children

Paul, age 10 Timothy "don't call me Tim," age 7
Lauren 3 1/2 Years Cara 6 months
I want THAT flower
Lauren Rae Muenzler (9 months)
Timothy (4) and Paul Muenzler (7)
Peek-a-Boo! I see you! What kind of bug is that?

Flora and Fauna

"Phlox" "Brown-Eyed Susan"
White-Tailed Buck by my 20 meter vertical "Free mowing (and garden eating) services"

The Stars at Night...

I love my sunsets!
It REALLY DID look like that!
Comet Hale-Bopp at 4:30am

Some of My "Non-Deductable Children"

"The Hulkster" aka "Methuselah"
10 year old goldfish
(he's 9 inches long)
R.I.P. May 2000
"Cheeser" (Cheese-wiz)
Lost December 1998 R.I.P.


last update December 11, 2001
(c) 1996-2001
Kevin Muenzler All rights reserved.