SW-3 Exterior Photo's

Click on the thumbnail photo to bring up a large picture. The front panel reveals the simple but functional layout of the SW-3. The dial above the chrome center cap is the frequency readout. It reads from 0 to 120, relative. There is a close up photo below of the dial. The frequency is adjusted using the main tuning knob which is located just below the chrome center cap. There is a chrome adjustment just to the immediate right of the main tuning knob. This adjustment changes the tuning ratio, or amount of frequency per turn of the dial. Pretty simple but an extremely valuable feature when trying to tune in ham signals that are only a few kilocycles wide.

There is a really unique control located just below the main tuning knob. This control is the volume control and it is shaped like an Oreo cookie and is mounted horizontal. Pretty cool. The adjustment to the left of the Oreo cookie knob is the RF amplifier peak. The adjustment to the right of the Oreo cookie knob is the regeneration control. That all there is for controls. Amazingly simple when compared to modern radio's with their dozens of knobs and buttons and menu driven features. You don't need the manual for this one.
Click on the thumbnail photo to bring up a large picture. The photo above shows a close up of the SW-3 rear panel. Note that the rear panel is removable by removing the two rear screws on the panel, plus the top and bottom screws on the cabinet sides. The rear panel and hinged top are connected together.

The leftmost slot is where the two headphone posts are located. The user can insert the headphone tips into the posts and tighten from the outside. The rightmost slot is where the antenna and ground posts are located. The antenna post is on the far right and the ground post is to the left. The power cable which comes from the 5886 power supply is located in the center bottom.

While the posts are accessible from the back, it is a tight adjustment when you have large fingers. The posts can also be tightened by lifting the lid and accessing them.
Click on the thumbnail photo to bring up a large picture. The photo above shows a close up of the National SW-3 controls from a side a low front angle. You can get a good view of the "oreo cookie" volume control at the bottom, and an idea of the knob depth. One (of many) interesting things about this radio is that there was no control names silk screened or lettered on the front panel. In addition to that, National did not put the model number "SW-3" on the cabinet at all. The only reference to National is the "N" on the National "Velvet Vernier" dial and on the National transformer under the lid.

From this photo, you can also see the cabinet to chassis mounting screws on the front panel, just above the rf tune and regeneration knobs, plus on the sides of the cabinet.

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Last Update: 11/25/2020
Web Author: Scott Freeberg WA9WFA
Copyright ©2020 by Scott Freeberg WA9WFA - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED