Pictures from Ft. Tuthill 2000
W5JH campsite
Bob NK7M and Bertie Hightower's campsite
Jeff Johnson KJ7LO and Dan Tayloe N7VE campsites
Cla KA0GKC and Doug Hendricks KI6DS in conversation
Doug Hendricks KI6DS' Airstream trailer
Roger Hightower N7KT's campsite
Roger Hightower N7KT's truck and mobile antenna
Jeff Johnson KJ7LO checked in the campers
Jamie Johnson KC7MQY and her sister
Brian Kassel K7RE and Steve KI0KY campsites
Campground reserved for QRPers only!
Dan Tayloe and wife show off bargins
OHR Sprint II for 30 meters $65
Maricopa County Sheriff's possey
Cla KA0GKC checks out antennas
Mike W1DRY, Wayne N6KR, and
The Elecraft team - Eric WA6HHQ and Wayne N6KR
Tom N0SS, Eric, and Wayne try out the fry bread
Preparing the hall for building Tuna Tin 2s
Gerry K7LRO relaxing in the ScQRPions booth
Bob Hightower NK7M trying to get his
The Johnson family - Jamie KC7MQY,
Vern Wright W6MMA's mobile antenna (close up)
Jamie Johnson KC7MQY and Althea Dixon
Gary Surrency AB7MY at the Elecraft Booth
Chuck Adams K7QO, Jay Bromley W5JAY
Jay Bromley W5JAY and Doug Hendricks KI6DS
The Signman doing a brisk business
Pancake Breakfast on Saturday Morning
Eric WA6HHQ, Tom N0SS, and Dan N7VE check out
Gerry, Wayne, Eric, and Doug have a morning discussion
Bob Hightower flipping pancakes
April Surrency (daughter of Gary AB7MY)
Dave Benson Speaks at the forum
Part of the crowd at the forum
Gary Surrency of Elecraft speaks at the forum
Dave Benson selling at the AZ ScQRPion booth
Wayne Burdick N6KR speaks at the forum
Dan Tayloe discribes his mini-Stinger XCVR
Mike NQ7X helps K7QO install an antenna
Dan Tayloe shows off the mini-Stinger XCVR
Eric and Wayne stand behind their radios!
Cla KA0GKC looks over the building contest entries
Eric Wayne and Dan discuss the
Closeup of the "Best of show" winner (mini-Stinger XCVR)
Brian Kassel K7RE MCs the dinner
Jim Duffey (Dr Megacycle) receives an award
Vern Wright W6MMA accepts the winning plaque
Dan Tayloe N7VE receives the "Best of Show"
Gary Surrency and his wife enjoy a moment
Brian Kassel, Joanna and group talk after dinner
Another group enjoying conversation after dinner
Jay Bromley, his son Derek, and Dave finishing dinner
Eric WA6HHQ enjoys the Flagstaff evening
  Haley "man" the camaper registration
found at the flea market
Tom N0SS (Note K1 under Waynes arm)
handheld programmed
Haley, and Jeff KJ7LO
discuss a Tuna Tin 2
building problem
and Jay's son Derek
  discuss antennas with
the filters on
Dan's mini-Stinger XCVR
plays with Roger
Hightower's dog
pros and cons of his mini-Stinger
for the worst sounding Tuna Tin 2 signal
  for the SMK1 catagory of the building contest
award for his mini-
Stinger XCVR
  with Bob and Bertie