Ping Jockey Etiquette
Men have a hard time remembering which fork
to use, the long one or the short one. Which side of the plate
does the napkin go? How many times it is appropriate to stir the
tea after the sugar is added. The steak can be eaten with the
short fork and the tea beat into submission, but it is not always
considered proper etiquette.
We all know there is behavior on the Ping
Jockey that is acceptable during a contact attempt and behavior
that is just not as acceptable. This page will discuss Ping
Jockey Etiquette and to my knowledge most of these things are not
documented like the proper table etiquette thus our thoughts are
conceived from what seems proper and valid.
Ping Jockey Schedules
Amateurs who operate High Speed Meteor
Scatter are completing qsos daily, or are they? Typically
qsos are either scheduled or random. Schedules are easily
arranged via the Ping Jockey Page. Schedules that are made have
an advantage over random qsos because the two stations
share important information via the internet prior to the start.
This often times includes:
The call of the other station
A specified frequency
Who will transmit first
Will Single Tones or Multi-tones be used
Which Azimuth direction will be used
Often times QSY to another frequency because of perceived interference
A start time or announcement of I am running or both
Sometimes a ending time is set in case the communications fail
Equipment conditions / parameters
Noise descriptions or lack of noise
(And often times much more!)
With all the discussions and exchange of
information before the actual attempt to communicate, one might
wonder; how could they fail? Of course we all know that meteor
scatter contacts are not automatic. There are times when attempts
just fail, for whatever the reason, even with all the prior
knowledge shared before the attempt.
The known elements shared before attempts
are good and the smart operator will use them to his advantage.
However to reduce the clutter on an often times busy page the
information exchanged prior to the QSO start should be short and
What Frequency will we use?
Who will go first? (Savvy operators know based on the Standard Operating Procedures
When will we start / stop?
Do you want to use ST or all MT?
(This is off topic BUT schedules should
not be made on Meteor Scatter Calling Frequencies)
What Constitutes A Contact
This has been decided years back. Both
stations must copy "Both Radio Calls", and "both
must also copy their respected report and at least one
Roger" (you usually need at least two Rogers to be sure!),
and then the QSO is officially complete. This is the minimum. In
times past after schedules were made both operators left the web
to return at a preset time. This is still a good practice.
Either stations, or at least "the
station receiving the Rogers" often times sends 73 back.
This is a good practice so that the station sending RRR knows to
stop and it terminates the qso via amateur radio
rather than the internet! However if time does not
permit or the meteors slow down or appear to stop
then it is permissible to let the other station know his RRR was
received via the Ping Jockey but the preferred method is for all
contact information including the termination of the contact to
be via the meteor pings and not the telephone modem..
The validity and integrity of the following
list of accomplishments by stations can be brought into
question when contact requirements are communicated, hinted
or suggested by the use of the Ping Jockey either by those
attempting to make a contact or someone monitoring and posting
what they are copying.
States Worked
Initial Contacts
How far can we go
before the Contact becomes invalid?
First let us consider this fact. WSJT works
sufficiently well so that no other means of sending or sharing
information is necessary to complete a contact via meteor scatter.
Thus it is not necessary for meteor scatter operators to give out
informtion about the contact during the contact. For schedules,
everything is worked out ahead of time and after the contact
starts it is not good etiquette to discuss, hint or share
information pertaining to the contact attempt that is in progress!
There will be some who think other wise, but the divisions are,
make the schedule first and execute the schedule second.
The operators of WSJT, from the beginning
of Ping Jockey asked that the following message to be posted for
all new and experienced operators. That message is Exchanging
any contact details on here before you're complete, invalidates
the contact
The following are examples of
statements that would certainly call into question a
contact by either attempting station. Blatant communicating
contact details during a contact attempt are wrong!
Have you gotten both calls yet?
Sorry I skipped a message, going back to Calls and Reports
Sending RRR now.
I just got your Report.
What message are you sending?
Have R 26, I am sendng RRR now.
From the beginning of HSCW, Operators have
always considered contact details to be information about the
details of what is or has been sent.
The following examples are
statements that dont exactly tell where you are in
the contact but like setting the table wrong or eating the steak
with the short fork, are better just not said.
Are you sending single tones now?
I can hear you now
I have up to 10db burst no decodes
Just got a big one!
Keep going
Your DF is 102
Leave your antenna there!
Not hearing anything, moving to Hot A
I am getting some single tone, is that you?
Wow! You hit me hard, 13db!
Keep going we are almost finished.
There is 500 watts out have anything yet?
Sometimes the contact is
compromised by someone who is just monitoring.
I hear your single tones good here Joe!
They are almost finished Joe is sending reports now.
Look what I copied 155630 27.4 240 1 26 -64 2626 WA5UFH 26 K4FJW
(be careful what you post)
There are many ways that a contact can
be compromised. What should one do when this happens? The best
answer is to start over! That is the right thing to do and easily
done. If the qso was compromised by a contact station, the
offending station should be reminded to read the Blue
line at the top of the Ping Jockey Page. Meteor Scatter is a
valid mode and all operators should honor the requirements for
completing contacts strictly via Meteor Scatter refractions on
our vhf bands.
Is there ever a time for
compromising a contact by sharing contact information?
The answer is no!
Meteor Scatter Contacts never involve the sharing of QSO details
after the contact is started. Not even a hint or suggestive
statement is good etiquette. If contact information is shared,
even though all elements might have been received by both
stations, the contact was tainted and does not meet the
requirements of using Meteor Scatter Only for the
exchange. The trail of suggestive or shared information relating
to the supposed contact is on the Ping Jockey screen
for all to view. As stated earlier, WSJT is capable of
transmitting all the required data via your radios and meteor
Is it acceptable to QSY to another
Frequency because of QRM or QRN?
If QRM has creped into your passband and
might cause you to miss some received messages then the smart
thing to do is QSY to another frequency. This can be accomplished
by posting the need to QSY on the Ping Jockey without sharing any
contact details.
What if I have a catastrophic
Anytime a contact attempt is terminated and
is latter restarted, both stations are to start over at the
beginning. If you must stop, the courteous thing to do is notify
the other station you have stopped. A temporary problem can be
posted like, keep going I am having a temporary problem and not
compromise the contact. Often times a problem can be corrected
easily without terminating the contact attempt.
What if its not a Contact?
Now if its not a contact, lets
say someone asks you to listen for their signal and see if they
are on frequency or maybe they are testing their transmit for the
fist time. Talk all you wish, this is not a contact. The majority
of what occurs on the Ping Jockey constitutes a contact where two
amateurs agree to have a prearranged sked for the purpose of
completing a contact. If you have worked the same station 100
other times, the rules for a contact do not change just because
you have his card on the wall.
Ping Jockey Etiquette; Because
I respect the Posted Guidelines on the page
Ping Jockey is a useful system for Meteor
Scatter operators, Weak Signal Operators and EME scheduling. The
Ping Jockey pages are self explanatory however many seem to be
happy carrying on all their business on the Ping Jockey Central.
Ping Jockey Central, the main page, is not designed to be a
Chat Room. At the top of the page we all see the
message, If it's not HIGH-SPEED METEOR SCATTER, it doesn't
belong here! Even with this message, we find discussions about
antennas, radios, club meetings and many other discussions not
relating to HSMS!
There is another page called Relief
Page that is similar to the Main Page but because of less
activity it will support discussions and the appropriate thing
for operators to do is move off topic discussions there just like
it is appropriate to move stations willing to run JT44 off the
Ping Jockey Central page to the JT44 Link page.
The other pages, CQ Announcements and Skeds
in Progress are self explanatory and during times of higher
volume traffic, like contests, these pages should be used to
reduce the potential of qrm.
We are fortunate to have such a system as
Ping Jockey. We should all thank Chris often and we should honor
his posted instructions.
So What Can I Do During a Contact Attempt via Meteor
Computers are multitasking. One can play cards, surf the web,
clean the shack, read email, work on the projects bench etc. but
please, dont bring any element of doubt on your contacts or
your friends contacts by posting information about the contact
prior to it being completed.
Why This Article?
I am not without guilt. I suppose we all
have been guilty of some questionable act relating to meteor
scatter. We should all strive for a higher operating plane and
the experienced should lead by proper example. Before things get
too far out of hand, let us all focus on Meteor Scatter Only
Make the sked on Ping Jockey and then execute the sked on the
Thanks to all those who helped critique this sheet. ( WB5APD,N0UK,K1SIX and others...)
WA5UFH (Tip)