Rachel's Crib

This page is where all the cool kids hang! My name is Rachel Lyn Speicher.
I was born on May 21, 2001 at 7:35pm and I weighed in at 7Lbs. 8 ozs. at
a height of 20 inches. Yes, this is my fighting weight!

Here I am, no wait a minute,                        Here I am all wrapped up!
this is my MOM!
Boy! I'm really tired after all that work of getting out of there.
This is my Pop-Pop Breneiser. This guys scares                 This is my Nana Breneiser- Don't drop me!
me so much that I can't look at him yet. 
This is my Nana Speicher. She's holding me so        Here's me and my DAD!
tight that I can't breath!                                                                        

       Here's the Doc, Nurse and my MOM just after I was born!

                           Rachel at 6 Months

                      Rachel and Her Nanna Breneiser

                     Rachel and her play buddy Bailey

Just me and Pop-Pop chilling-out on his bed. I like this bed!
I'm six months old now.